A survey of South Korea shows that due to the influence of China's epidemic prevention and control measures and global economic downturn, the business environment in Chinese Korean companies has deteriorated, and about half of sales and profits have declined.

According to the Yonhap News Agency, the Korean Industry Research Institute joined hands with the Beijing Representative Office of the Korean Business and Industry Conference Institute and the Chinese Korean Chamber of Commerce to investigate the business environment of 406 companies in Chinese and Korean companies from September to October last year.The survey results were announced on Wednesday (January 4).

The Korean Industry Research Institute introduced that the proportion of companies with reduced sales and decreased profits in this round of surveys increased from two years ago.In the investigation in 2020, the proportion of companies with a decrease in sales accounted for 27.1%, but in this round of investigation, the proportion rose to 45.1%.

At the same time, the proportion of companies with reduced profits also increased from 29.2%to 51.9%.Answer more than half of the companies with a operating rate of less than 60%in the second half of last year, accounting for 52%.Companies with a operating rate of more than 80%accounted for only 13.8%.

For the reasons for the decrease in sales, the interviewed companies answered the local demand decreased, the market competition was fierce, and the crown disease was spread.

About 60%of the Chinese and Korean enterprises predict that due to the influence of the Chinese government's regulatory policies, rising production costs, and changes in market changes in the Chinese government, the economic and commercial environment in China may continue to deteriorate.

As for the sensitive foreign environmental changes, the interviewed companies believe that the main is the spread of the crown disease, the contradiction between the United States and China, and the tightening of the situation in North Korea.