The Ministry of Health of New Zealand said that passengers from China will bring potential public health risks to a small extent, soThey provide negative detection of coronary disease.NotDr. Ayesha Verrall, Deputy Minister of Health > Wednesday (January 4) said that New Zealand has conducted a public health risk assessment, including the number of potential cases from Chinese tourists.NotIt is said that this work confirms that these tourists will not have a great impact on the number of crown diseases in New Zealand, which means that entry restrictions are unnecessary and unreasonable.Not It is the BA5 strain. Taking New Zealand as an example, countries that have been popular in BA5 strains have not occurred in a large -scale epidemic.Therefore, there is no need to take public health measures to protect New Zealanders.NotThe government will require Chinese passengers to voluntarily submit the results of the fast antigen test to help track any new virus variant and reiterate that any international traveler should be tested if symptoms occur after arriving.Not, United States, Japan and Australia and other countries Tighten the border epidemic prevention measures when Chinese passengers enter the country, and passengers who enter the country from China must submit a negative certificate of crown disease.