(London / Beijing Comprehensive News) As the surge in Chinese crown diseases and the shortage of coronary drugs, British media reported that Chinese officials and business owners at high prices to buy Pharian oral anti -coronary drugs PAXLOVID used to give gifts to giftsEssence

According to the Financial Times reported on December 28, the Chinese elite class has reserved a large number of Namaltovir / Paxlovid drugs for business partners to please them.

With the rapid rise in the number of infected people across China, many public and private hospitals revealed that Paxlovid is currently out of stock or only uses symptomatic patients.A doctor at the Beijing Union Hospital said in an interview that there was no extra PaxLovid to the patient with a lighter condition.

Hospitals and pharmacies are out of stock, forcing many mild symptoms to turn to other channels to buy medicines.It is reported that the price of a box of PaxLovid's black market has been fired to tens of thousands of yuan (RMB, about S $ 1950).

PaxLovid scarcity makes it a gift that is widely welcomed by celebrities in China.The leaders of a Beijing distribution hospital revealed that people even want Paxlovid instead of Maotai. It is considered to be purchased by healthy people in the end, resulting in a shortage of drug supply.

A Beijing entrepreneur said in an interview that his friends brought two boxes of paxlovid from a hospital specially served for senior officials as gifts, but he did not intend to keep it, but would "give it as a gift to need to be given to need to need to be given to need to need to be given.Others of the drug. "

Some community hospitals in Beijing have been distributed to the first batch of PAXLOVID

However, the Chinese government is actively increasing drug supply.According to the People's Daily report on December 30, some community hospitals in Beijing have been distributed with the first batch of PAXLOVID.China National Pharmaceutical Administration also comes with conditions on December 29 to approve the import registration of Molson Corporation Molnupiravir. It is the second crown oral medication approved after PaxLovid.

For the network transmission XBB strain, it will cause vomiting and diarrhea symptoms. Comprehensive reports of the WeChat public account of the National CDC and China Securities Journal reported that Li Yan, chief physician of the Department of Respiratory and Infection Diseases, Affiliated to the Capital Medical UniversityOne (January 2) said that no XBB strain was found to be more likely to invade the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular system and digestive system.

Fang Bangjiang, director of the three subjects and five pathogens in Wuhan Leishan Hospital, explained that general colds can also lead to gastrointestinal cold symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, which is a normal pathological response.He called on people not to panic, "don't have to worry about the sky", and there is no need to accumulate diarrhea such as diapers and littering of diabetes.