The China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention believes that although the XBB series of crown disease variable strains have attracted global attention, the possibility of large -scale popularity caused by the XBB series of crown diseases in China within three months is extremely low.

Sino -Disease Control Wednesday (January 4) posted on the official WeChat public account that since November, XBB.1.5 strains have gradually increased among those in the United States.According to the US weekly monitoring case forecast, the proportion of XBB.1.5 has reached 40.5%on December 30, 2022, which may replace BQ.1.1 and BQ.1, becoming the US advantageous popular strains.As of January 2, 2023, XBB.1.5 has been monitored in at least 25 countries and regions around the world.

Regarding the current dissemination of XBB.1.5 in China, the article pointedBranch, four of which are xbb.1.5 input cases.

In response to whether XBB.1.5 will cause the second round of infection, the article states that there are reports that XBB.1.5 may have strong immune escape ability, causing international attention.However, the monitoring data of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed that during the increase in the proportion of mutant plants in the XBB series in recent weeks, the number of reports, the number of hospitalization cases, and the number of death cases have not significantly increased.In the United States, the re -infection ratio caused by XBB.1.5 needs further dynamic observation.

The article pointed out that the absolute advantageous strains in China are BA.5.2 and BF.7, and the neutral antibody produced by the individual after infection with BA.5.2 or BF.7 isA month) will maintain a relatively high level, and it is expected to have a good cross -protection effect on other Omikon mutant strains (including XBB).In the short term (three months) in China (three months), the possibility of large -scale popularity caused by XBB series mutations included XBB.1.5.

Regarding the pathogenity and toxicity of xbb.1.5, the article believes that although XBB.1.5 has attracted global attention, no country has reported that the pathogenic force of xbb.1.5 infected people has increased.There are also reports of increasing the proportion of hospitalization and death ratio of infected people, and the differences between the clinical symptoms caused by it and other Omikonia branches are not seen.

According to reports, XBB is the reorganization strain of 2 mutant strains derived from the coronal virus Omikon BA.2 BJ.1 and BM.1.1.1.With the gradual increase in the popularity ratio of the XBB series sub -Daiya branches in the United States and other countries, XBB.1.5 derived from XBB is further enhanced compared to other Asian branches in XBB.