"Jiangge case" Liu Xin (now named Liu Nuanxi) compensation for their own compensation on Weibo Weibo account Span> was permanently banned.NotSurging News and WeChat public account Chang'an StreetIt is reported that Liu Xin's Weibo account was permanently banned on Wednesday (January 4).She was banned again after opening the new number.NotIt is reported that Jiang Qiulian, his mother Jiang Qiulian, sued Liu Xin's second trial on December 30, 2022.The court ruled that Liu Xin paid nearly 700,000 compensation (RMB, about S $ 140,000, the same below).NotIn the second instance judgment of the Qingdao Intermediate People's Court, Liu Xin needs to compensate. In addition to the compensation of Jiang Ge's mother Jiang Qiulian's various economic losses of 496,000 yuan, mental damage sooth for 200,000 yuan and case acceptance fees, the second instance of the court's decision must bear the acceptance fee of the second instance case.1.076 million yuan.NotAfter the sentence was pronounced, Liu Xin posted on Weibo on Monday (January 2) saying: "Since the court's judgment, I can only carry it. If anyone is willing to help me, I thank you, I will take a note, I hope, I hope, I hope thatHave the opportunity to repay. "

The article "Liu Nuanxi" was displayed for reward. Earlier hundreds of people rewarded the article by hundreds of people.NotIt is said that the article has been closed on Tuesday and received a total of 25,600 yuan.NotBlog account@L-N-X-Wisteria Personal Page Yu The Convention, the user is in a permanent statement. "> In this regard, Jiang Qiulian said that this is the fourth account that Liu Xin was permanently banned on Weibo.NotXin then opened the new account@L-N-Xwisteria and continued to post, "Please introduce me to work, I am not afraid to do anything to do anything."However, the refresh at noon on Wednesday showed that "the user is permanently banned due to the violation of the community convention."

According to network information, Liu Xin is " Jiang Ge Case ".In the early morning of November 3, 2016, outside the door of Tokyo, Japan, Jiang Ge was killed by his former boyfriend Chen Shifeng's ex -boyfriend Chen Shifeng at the age of 24.Because Liu Xin had a major fault in Jiang Ge's death, Jiang Qiulian, his mother, started a legal lawsuit against Liu Xin.The first instance of the lawsuit was sentenced on January 10, 2022.