Chinese President Xi Jinping and the Philippine President President Xiaomas met in Beijing on Wednesday (January 4). The two sides agreed to restart the negotiations between the two countries' oil and gas development.

Xiaomakus arrived in Beijing late at night on Tuesday (January 3), and launched a three -day state visit to China.Li Zhanshu.According to CCTV News Broadcast reports, when Xi Jinping and Xiaomakus held talks, both of them proposed to restart oil and gas development consultations.

China and the Philippines were in the period of administration of former Philippines President Duterte at the end of 2019 to launch negotiations between China Sea Oil and Gas Development to ease the differences between the two countries in the South China Sea, but DuterteBefore the government took office in June 2022, the government announced the termination of consultations on the grounds of constitutional restrictions and sovereignty issues.

Xi Jinping said in a meeting with Marcos that China always puts the Philippines in the direction of surrounding diplomacy and insists on looking at China -Philippine relations from strategy and global.

He said to Paris: "I would like to maintain regular strategic communication with you, comprehensively plan bilateral relations for the next step, be a good neighbor with mutual help, good relatives who know similar to each other, cooperate together togetherThe good partner of winning brings more well -being to the people of the two countries and contribute more positive energy to regional peace and stability. "

Xi Jinping shows that China is willing to continue to handle maritime issues properly with the Philippines,Restart the negotiations of oil and gas development, promote oil and gas development cooperation in non -disputed areas, and carry out green energy cooperation such as photovoltaic, wind energy, and new energy vehicles.

News Network also quoted Magaks that China is the strongest partner of the Philippines; the Philippines is willing to continue to properly handle maritime issues through friendly consultations and restart oil and gas development with China.

The Philippine official as of 7.40 in the evening of Wednesday has not yet issued a press release of Maccoz and Xi Jinping.

According to a statement issued by the Philippines, when Macatham met with Li Keqiang, Paidon emphasized the importance of the Filipinan's establishment partnership, not only with Chinese partnerships, but also the relationship with other partners.In order to build economy and promote social transformation under the current challenges.(Reporting Huang Xiaofang, a special agent in Beijing)