Chinese President Xi Jinping and Philippine President President President MarksOn Wednesday (January 4), a talks were held in Beijing in the afternoon.

Comprehensive Philippine media and CCTV reported that Magaks arrived in Beijing late Tuesday (January 3) to launch a three -day state visit to China.This is the first visit to China after President of the Philippines in June 2022. It is also the first time that China has received foreign leaders in 2023.

Pagoda will meet with Xi Jinping, Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang, and Li Zhanshu, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.Xi Jinping held a welcoming ceremony for the People's Congress on Wednesday afternoon.

China and the Philippines are expected to sign 14 bilateral agreements, covering cooperation in the fields of agriculture, trade, tourism, and renewable energy.Martakus said before he set off that he would seek promotion of China -Philippine relations to enter the "higher speed".

The Philippine Ministry of Foreign Affairs Assistant Minister Ying Perial said at a television conference last week that Max Kasis meets Xi Jin's territorial disputes in the South China Sea.Communication channels to avoid "misjudgment and communication errors".

Little Marco has met with Li Zhanshu on Wednesday afternoon. According to the official statement of the Philippines, when seeing Li Zhanshu, Xiao Marco said that he has always believed that the relationship between China and the Philippines will be partnerships in the next few years., And stabilize and strengthen the economy of the two countries to cope with various challenges.