In response to the White House in the United States, China has no reason to retaliate against the restrictions on immigration prevention in foreign countries. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded that China has always shared information and data with the international community with a responsible attitude and called on all parties to focus on resistance to epidemic resistance.Itself, avoid any words and deeds of any political epidemic.

According to the surging news report, Mao Ning, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said at a regular press conference on Wednesday (January 4) that since the epidemic occurs, China has been sharing information and information and information and information with the international community with a responsible attitude since the to incomplete statistics, in the past three years, China has carried out more than 60 technical exchanges with WHO, and has been held twice since the release of the new ten. It has continued to share virus gene data from the Global Influenza Sharing Database.

She said that many national health and health experts have stated that there is no need to adopt special entry restrictions on China.The government has adopted responsible policies and measures, did its best to make important positive contributions.

Mao Ning said that China has noticed that some people in the United States have recently published a lot of comments on the optimization and adjustment of China's domestic epidemic prevention and control policy, and called on all parties to focus on resistance themselves, avoid any political epidemic words and deeds, and strengthen to strengthen the words and deeds of the politicalization.Unity, work together to defeat the epidemic as soon as possible.

U.S. State Council spokesman Pryce has criticized China to lack transparency in sharing epidemic information. It should provide more epidemic information, which is in line with world interests and China's interests.The White House press secretary Pierre further stated on Wednesday that the United States and other countries have taken health measures for their entry -minded passengers, intending to protect their citizens, and China should not take revenge.

In addition, for Japan's Sunday (January 8), adopting new epidemic prevention measures for passengers from China, and inbound inbound needs to hold negative proof and test nucleic acid testing.Measures should be appropriate scientific. They should not take the opportunity to engage in political manipulation, do not discriminate, and should not affect normal personnel exchanges and exchanges and cooperation.