According to a internal document seen by Bloomberg, China Gold Company, one of China's largest securities firms, has reduced the travel standards for senior bankers to respond to the government's call to promote common prosperity.

Reported that according to the adjustment standards of CICC, in terms of transportation, the general managing and executive directors' home -to -laws have fallen from aircraft official class to economy class, and train standards also.It is reduced to hard seats, high -speed rail or trains, and second -class soft seats in the soft seat train.This travel standard document released by last year shows that the cost of hotel costs in a class of cities fell to RMB 850 yuan (about S $ 166) per day, which was reduced by 38%.

In the context of common prosperity, China has comprehensively rectified the private sectors to regulate the "disorderly expansion of capital".Bloomberg quoted people familiar with the matter last November that at least four state -owned securities companies and fund companies were drafting plans to reduce the salary gap between executives and grassroots employees.In China, foreign banks are also reminded by regulators to pay attention to excessive salary.

This cost policy document by CICC has also revised the principle of formulation. After the adjustment, the "strict implementation of the eight regulations of the eight regulations and the benchmarking unit units."The document also mentioned that "mainland Chinese companies, their subsidiaries and branches, and branches in accordance with the spiritual requirements of the eight central regulations, formulate relevant measures."

Based on the market value, CICC is the third largest securities firm in China.CITIC Securities and CITIC Construction Investment, other large securities firms, have reduced their travel budgets.

According to reports, the decision -making level hopes that China's large financial groups will reduce their wage costs and help the economic recovery after the epidemic.People familiar with the matter have said that the Ministry of Finance of China in early 2021 explained to the financial industry in detail how to restrict compensation, including the China Sovereign Fortune Fund and large banks, including instructions.

The document also proposes some prohibitions, including the prohibition of private use of online car editions, such as commuting to and from work, go to shopping malls, hospitals, restaurants, schools and other places.Car clubs, entertainment venues, KTV, scenic spots and other places.