Recently, CCTV's "Luo River Water Pollution Incident" exposed by CCTV has attracted great attention.Anhui has set up a joint investigation team to settle in Quanjiao County to conduct a comprehensive investigation.At present, the main responsible comrades of the Quanjiao County Party Committee have been removed from office and investigated the relevant responsible persons.

On the morning of May 29th, the surging news reporter inquired that the information on the "institutional leadership" column on the morning of the morning of the official website of the Ecological Environment Branch of the Quanjiao County of Luzhou showed that Dou Ping's resume of the branch of the branch has been withdrawn from the official website.

Public information shows that Dou Ping, male, Han nationality, born in August 1975, member of the Communist Party of China, university culture.Earlier, Dou Ping presided over the comprehensive work of the Ecological Environment Branch of Quanjiao County, Luzhou City, and contacted the Quanjiao Economic Development Zone and Xianghe Town.

Earlier, in the investigation of CCTV reporters, people also found that ordinary people are very worried about whether the sewage flowing into the Luhe River is toxic, and it is also expected that the water quality test results of the ecological environment department can give professional responses.With a series of questions, CCTV reporters came to Quanjiao County Ecological Environment Branch to ask.

Dou Ping, director of the Ecological Environment Branch of Quanjiao County, Luzhou City, said: "I don't think it is necessary to do the water of fire protection." In order to accurately express his opinion, Director Dou also played a special example: "You can also drink Moutai.After drinking the dead, do you need to be toxic analysis of Moutai?

On the afternoon of May 28, Han Jun, Secretary of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee, presided over a special meeting of the Provincial Party Committee to listen to the investigation and disposal of the water quality pollution incident in Luohe in Anhui Province.

The meeting pointed out that the water quality pollution incident of the river is a major ecological environmental damage. The consequences are very serious and the nature is very bad.The cause of the pollution is not complicated, but the disposal process is delayed and delayed, causing serious consequences.This incident was avoided, but some cadres were lucky and chaotic at the center of the disposal process. In the face of the problem of problems, they always wanted to pass the level, causing trivial matter and big things.Individual cadres opened the river in the face of media interviews, causing adverse effects.

The meeting pointed out that this incident reflects that a small number of party members and cadres have not political standing, strict style, and weak procedural consciousness, and the awareness of the rule of law.We must learn from the lessons of this pollution incident, adhere to laws and regulations, and seek truth from facts, and truly evaluate the incident process with the sense of responsibility of "rest assured", implement the implementation of water pollution management in detail, and ensure that the water quality is stable.