Guizhou Daily News, on May 20th, Guizhou Province launched a meeting of Sun Zhigang's serious disciplinary violations and violations of laws and reforms.Xu Lin, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Leading Group, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech.Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Li Yuanping, Shi Yubao, and Guo Xiwen participated in the provincial party committee members.

Source: Tianyan News Client

We must take Sun Zhigang's case as an important task of party discipline education and education, and carry out a solid warning education, guide party members and cadres to learn lessons, consciously study discipline, discipline, Ming discipline, and discipline, strengthen political determinationPower, discipline determination, moral determination, resistance to corruption, and always be loyal and clean.

On the evening of August 28, 2023, Sun Zhigang was investigated; the news on February 5 this year, Sun Zhigang was expelled from the party.

After investigation, Sun Zhigang lost his ideals and convictions, abandoned his original mission, violated the political principles of "two maintenance", and implemented the poor decision -making deployment of the Party Central Committee.The party's main body is not responsible, engaged in non -organizational activities in the inspection of cadres, fighting against organizational review; ignoring the spirit of the eight central regulations, occupying more housing in violation of regulations, seeking special treatment in terms of living security, accepting banquets and tourism arrangements that may affect fair execution of official duties;Violation of organizational principles, it is better to report personal matters, and it is better to explain the problem during the organization letter; the bottom line of integrity is lost, gifts and gifts are accepted in violation of regulations, and large returns are obtained through non -governmental borrowing.Intervention and intervening in judicial activities; do not pay attention to the construction of the family style, and dismiss the spouse and children to dismiss their education; the public power given by the party and the people is alienated into a tool for personal personalization, collecting money to collect money, and use job convenience for project contracting, shares in project contracting, shares of the shares, shares, and shares.Subsulation and other aspects are not illegally received.

Sun Zhigang seriously violated the party's political discipline, organizational discipline, integrity discipline, work discipline and life discipline, constituted serious duties and suspected bribery crimes.It should be dealt with seriously.In accordance with the relevant regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Supervision of the People's Republic of China in accordance with the relevant provisions of the People's Republic of China on the Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China, the studied and submitted to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China for approval by the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and decided to give Sun Zhigang to expel party membership; cancel it in accordance with regulations.Enjoy the treatment ; seize its illegal income from discipline and law; transfer it to the procuratorial organs for prosecutors for review and prosecution in accordance with the law, and the property involved is transferred.

Public information shows that Sun Zhigang was born in 1954. In October 2015, he served as the governor of Guizhou Province in October 2015. In January of the following year, he was the governor.Unlocked in November.

After Sun Zhigang was investigated, the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee pointed out that Sun Zhigang was suspected of serious disciplinary violations, severely corrupted the party's image, seriously disappointed the trust of the party's central and provinces, and severely damaged the good political ecology of Guizhou's wind and righteousness.The influence is extremely bad and the lesson is extremely profound.

Source: Guizhou Daily, Tianyan News Client