(Paris / Beijing Comprehensive News) Wang Wentao, Minister of Commerce, Minister of Commerce, who is visiting Europe, said in a discussion with the French Bailan Land Enterprise and Industry Association on Monday (April 8th).For any specific EU member states, the results of the investigation are not preset.

According to the news released by the official website of the Ministry of Commerce of China, Wang Wentao said in a discussion that this survey was initiated in accordance with the application of domestic industries in China. China will openly conduct investigations in accordance with Chinese law and WTO rules to fully protect the rights of interests.

The French Cognac Association, the French Yawenyi Association, the French wine and the Essean Exit Federation, including the three industry associations, and five companies in charge of the five companies including Paullega, Lu Weixuan, and the head of Ma Jundu attended the meeting.

Wang Wentao also met with French Minister of Finance Lemel on the same day.Reuters quoted the French Ministry of Finance sources saying that Wang Wentao told Lermel in the talks that China ’s investigation on the Bailan Di market has nothing to do with the EU's investigation of Chinese electric vehicles.Tariffs end.

However, Wang Wentao and Lemal's talks with the official website of the Ministry of Commerce of China did not mention the anti -dumping investigation.The statement said that the two sides had a frank exchange on the issues of China -French economic and trade cooperation.

China -Europe trade disputes have continued to heat up in the past year. The EU is investigating whether Chinese electric vehicle manufacturers have benefited from unfair subsidies.zaobao.com.sg/news/china/story20240124-1464142 "R = NOFOLLOW TARGET = _Blank> Anti-dumping survey imported from the EU's imported Bailan .

Wang Weitao, on Sunday (April 7), hosted in Paris to hold a round table at a Chinese -funded Chinese electric vehicle company that Chinese electric vehicle companies do not rely on subsidies to achieve competitive advantages..com.sg/News/China/Story20240408-3331921 "R = NOFOLLOW TARGET = _Blank> The United States and Europe have no basis for the accusations of Chinese-funded electric vehicles overcapacity .

Wang Wentao also met with some representatives of the French business community in Paris from April 7th to 8th, including Le Minghan, Chairman of the Bank of Paris, and An Gong, chairman of L'Oreal.During the talks, Wang Wentao emphasized that opening up is a distinctive sign of contemporary China; the Chinese government is committed to optimizing the business environment and providing service guarantees for foreign -funded investment and operation.