Lanzhou University Nuclear Science and Technology

Recently, Xu, a man who applied for a graduate degree in the School of Physics, Nanjing University, ranked first in professional courses, but suspected that he had not passed the level of ideological and moral assessment.Earlier, many netizens posted on the Internet platform to report to the school that Xu had recorded videos to kill cats in the dormitory.The Nanjing Public Security Bureau responded that Xu and his family had interviewed Xu and his family. Xu had realized the mistakes and wrote a regret book, promising that no similar situation occurred.

On April 3rd, the official website of the School of Nuclear Science and Technology of Lanzhou University announced the list of candidates' re -examination list in 2024.Guan Wei left a message, "You cannot recruit bad students", "Morality and physical and physical, morality is the first."

On the afternoon of April 7, Red Star journalist went to the School of Nuclear Science and Technology of Lanzhou University.That night, a reference candidate told the Red Star Journalist that Xu did come to participate in the qualification review and professional courses. He also met Xu at the scene. He just knew about Xu's cat abuse.

At about 8:30 that night, when the reporter was about to leave, Xu met Xu, who came to wait for the written test results.After the Red Star reporter showed his identity, the other party declined the reporter's interview request."If I say a lot to you now, I may have a wave of strokes on the Internet. I am not very easy to respond to some things now. I do n’t know much about online public opinion. After that, I do n’t know if it’ s good or bad. ”

During the communication between Red Star Journalists and Xu, the relevant staff of the School of Nuclear Science and Technology of Lanzhou University went downstairs and left. The staff told Xu's written test results after all the procedures were announced on the official website.Decide to leave first.Later, the Red Star reporter communicated with Xu on the campus on the campus many times. He always did not want to explain more for his current netizens' "pursuit of pursuit".

Xu looked easier, and did not deliberately put on a mask when walking to avoid being discovered by others.He told Red Star News that his most concerned question is "when will the written test results come out?"When talking about when he was willing to be interviewed, he said, "If Lanzhou University has a good final result of my thinking and politics assessment, I will be willing to be interviewed."

When asked what to do if he could not enter Lanzhou University, Xu still said it was inconvenient to disclose.When passing through a lilac tree, Xu sighed: "Flower is good, you can write that I like to enjoy flowers. I can't say too much, it's not good to say too much."

Red Star Journalist Luo Mengjie Intern Reporter Zhong Mengzhe

Editor Zhang Bo