A boy in China claims that when the governor of Agricultural Development Bank has argued inheriting his family business, agricultural distribution responded that the parents of the children are currently working in different places, which meets the regulatory requirements and the system of avoidance.

According to the "Financial Times" WeChat public account of the Central Bank of China, a spokesperson for Agricultural Issuance Anhui Branch said in an interview that Agricultural Issuance has a total of four -level institutions, head banks, provincial branches, local cities, and cities.Branch and county branches, the positions of the person in charge of the fourth -level bank are called presidents.

The spokesman said that after investigation, the students in the video were indeed the children of the staff, the father was the president of a county branch, the mother was the deputy director of the city's branch authority, and the children's grandfather and grandfather Zeng ZengIt is an employee of the Rural Development Bank and has been retired for many years. Grandpa is an ordinary employee and grandfather of the branch as the president of another county branch.

The spokesman said that the current work of children's parents meets the regulatory requirements and the provisions of the Agricultural issuance of the Agricultural issuance. For this reason, they are in a state of work in different places.

Many family members of the boy are agricultural hair bank employees. A spokesman said that this was formed by historical changes and employee marriage in the past 30 years.

The spokesman explained that the boy's parents entered the agricultural distribution work through recruitment after graduating from the school. After that, they knew each other to get married and increased the number of agricultural hair bank employees of this family."In history, some institutions have not strict requirements on the management of relatives and the lack of sexual regulations. In the early days, the traditional thoughts of the father's business still had a certain impact. In addition, the young people in the same unit of the same unit loved and married, and some employees and family members were issued in agriculture.The number of people "

The spokesman said that in 2019, the head office of the Agricultural Distribution issued strict prohibitions of access regulations. Whether it is a school recruitment or social recruitment, the applicant must promiseAgricultural distribution does not have a close relative stipulated by the personnel department, otherwise it will not be hired.In addition to the prohibition of love and marriage in Anhui Branch, new relative relationships are not allowed to occur.

On April 3, a video was circulated on the Internet, showing a boy saying "I want to be the president of China Agricultural Development Bank to inherit my father. Because my grandpa is the bank of China Agricultural Development BankLong, my mother is the deputy governor of China Agricultural Development Bank, so I want to inherit our family property.

According to the Southern Metropolis Daily Client reported on Sunday, it is reported that the father's father is "the president of the Agricultural Issuance of Guangde City, Anhui Xuancheng".In response, the staff of the Guangde Municipal Sub -branch of Agriculture confirmed that the news was true, and said that "the president has asked for leave because of something at home."