(Beijing Comprehensive News) The Minister of Commerce of China Wang Wentao, Sunday (April 7), hosted in Paris, France to hold a round table at the Chinese -funded electric vehicle company in Europe.in accordance with.

According to the official website of the Ministry of Commerce on Monday, Wang Wentao said at the meeting that Chinese electric vehicle companies rely on continuous technological innovation, perfect production chain system and full market competition to develop rapidly, not relying on subsidies to achieve competitive advantages.

He said that the development of China's electric vehicle industry has made important contributions to global response to climate change and green low -carbon transformation, and emphasized that the Chinese government will actively support enterprises to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests.

The EU China Chamber of Commerce and Geely, SAIC, BYD, Ningde, and other more than 10 Chinese car companies attended this round table.

The Ministry of Commerce of China said that the participants introduced the relevant situation of investing in European investment and responding to the EU's anti -subsidy survey of EU electric vehicles, and said that they would actively respond to trade frictions and achieve mutual benefit and win -win cooperation through pragmatic cooperation with European partners.

The European Union launched an anti-subsidy survey of Chinese electric vehicles in October last year, and it is expected to end in November this year.Since March 7, the European Union requires that customs to produce imported electric vehicles in their nine months for imported electric vehicles in China.> It means that if the above survey is finally determined that China's electric vehicle has received unfair subsidies, and the registered car may be added tariffs.

Reuters had previously quoted people familiar with the matter that Wang Wentao's discussion on the discussion of this trip to Europe was that the European Commission's subsidy survey on Chinese electric vehicles at the end of last year was to decide whether to impose tariffs on Chinese export products to protect European carsmanufacturer.

China Daily issued a response to the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on Monday, saying that "some countries and regions in the world have insisted on promoting the implementation of restrictions on the trade restrictions on electric vehicles in the absence of sufficient evidence support."

The person in charge said that this is not in line with the WTO international trade rules, but it will also seriously disrupt the global automotive industry chain supply chain and harm global consumer interests.This is not conducive to the development of the global automotive industry, but also delayed its own electrification transformation process.

U.S. Treasury Minister Yellen, who is visiting China, I have mentioned the problem of overcapacity during the visit to China , sheWhen meeting with Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang on Sunday (7th), the United States also proposed the United States' concerns about China's industrial capacity overcapacity.

Yellen said at a press conference on Monday that US President Biden would not allow the "China Intellectual" to repeat the early this century. At that time, a large number of Chinese imported goods destroyed about 2 million US manufacturing employment positions.

However, even if the Chinese government continues to support electric vehicles, batteries, solar panels and other green energy products, Yellen does not say that it will implement new tariffs on China or take other trade actions.