A President of Litang County, Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan, a gambling of gambling, and the amount of winning mahjong overnight is as high as 80,000 (RMB, the same below, about S $ 14,900), and misappropriate the average public expenses of primary school accounts.More than 2.10 million yuan was used for gambling and family consumption. It was expelled from public office and was sentenced to six months in prison for misappropriation of public funds.

According to the report of Red Star News on Saturday (April 6), the typical cases investigated and dealt with by the Rolita Prefecture Discipline Inspection Commission of Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan disclosed the above cases.

The Supervision Committee of the Richang County Discipline Inspection Commission of Ganzi Prefecture received a problem clue to the county committee's inspection and transferred to the county education system in August 2022.After meticulous initial nuclear, in March 2023, the Religan County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervisory Committee successively left the three people including Wang Yinggang, a teacher and financial person in charge of Licha Town, Lishu Town, Licang County, and the former principal of Geng Township Primary School in Litang County.Essence

Notification disclosure, after investigation, from 2017 to 2021, Chongren used the convenience of duties and misappropriated the average public fundingMore than 2.0 million yuan in education expenses and living expenses are used for gambling and family consumption.In July 2023, Chongren was expelled from public office by the Religan Discipline Inspection Commission.In December 2023, the Litang County People's Court sentenced Yongren for the misappropriation of public funds and sentenced to six years and four months in prison.

The 51 -year -old Yongren was assigned to Zhongzha Primary School in his hometown after graduating in 1994, but he was fascinated by gambling before becoming a teacher.According to him, he lost more than 1 million yuan at that time and borrowed money everywhere.Later, Chongren handled the salary and staying, making money everywhere, and slowly returned the account.

The painful and painful Chong Ren later achieved outstanding results in the three -year teaching time of Juewu Township Primary School in Xiaba District, Litang County.In April 2016, Chongren was transferred to the principal of Gemu Township Primary School in Litang County, and all achieved good results.But Chongren started gambling again in 2019, "70,000 to 80,000 yuan (winning or losing) a night".

He Yingren had his brand friends at the same time -Wang Yinggang, the original teacher and financial person in charge of Mira Town Primary School in Lishu Town, Litang County.

The notification shows that after investigation, from 2016 to 2022, Wang Yinggang used the convenience of his position to misappropriate public funds, including six schools including Mora Town Primary School in Ricang County for gambling and repaying gambling arrears.Yuan.Wang Yinggang was expelled from the Communist Party of China and the public office of the Communist Party of China in July last year.In December last year, the Litang County People's Court sentenced Wang Yinggang to six years in prison for misappropriation of public funds.