The principal of a special education school in Hubei, China was suspected of rape two minor female students and was sentenced to appeal after being sentenced.

Comprehensive China Surging News and Red Star News reports, Liu Aiye, the principal of Suizhou Boai Special Academy in Suizhou, Hubei, from September 2018 to May 2022, many times in the school's principal's office and student bedroom.Adult female students, one of them has vision disorders, and both have intellectual disability.Liu Aiye was also suspected of rape two of them.

The Following the County People's Court sentenced in December 2022. Liu Aiye was criminald for compulsory obscenity and was sentenced to three years and six months in prison.

After that, in June 2023, Hubei Sui County announced the review of the case of mandatory obscenity in Liu Aiye. After Liu Aiye was found to be suspected of rape.

The case of Sui County People's Court opened a trial case in September 2023. Liu Aiye was suspected of rape and sentenced Liu Aiye to rape in January this year.The sentence was punished and punished for three years and six months. It was decided to implement 15 years in prison and deprive political rights for three years.

After Liu Aiye, he appealed, thinking that he did not constitute a crime of rape.The report of the report (April 8) quoted the victim's family members that the Suizhou Intermediate People's Court made a second trial ruling on the rape case, rejected the appeal, and maintained the original sentence.