According to the Russian New News Agency reported on March 27, Russian President Putin said that Russian citizens ranked second in the world in terms of reading time, but should continue to improve.

Putin said when meeting with cultural workers in Russia: "Today, Russian readers and Russian citizens have begun to read more. According to statistics from international institutions -of course their statistics are fair -Russian citizens' reading timeRank No. 2 in the world "

Putin also pointed out that China ranked first in China and the third place was Spain.

Putin said: "Therefore, we have made progress, but this is just a small progress. Of course, we need to move forward faster. We will definitely."

Putin said that people are reading less now. This is understandable. The information carrier is changing. It is necessary to understand how to spread the correct content.

He said: "We need to figure out how to spread the correct content in the most extensive sense."

He explained that modern means make it easier for people to obtain information through the Internet, and it is quite difficult to force themselves to study a certain problem. "This is what family, schools, museums, education centers and libraries are doing."" ".

Putin said that in 2000, 35%of Russian houses had no books, and this proportion now has dropped to 15%, which is already a clear result.(Compilation/Zhao Zhipeng)