Pan Gongsheng, President of the People's Bank of China, said that China is formulating formulating that China is formulating formulating that China is formulating formulating that China is formulating formulating that China is formulating formulation.The Financial Stability Law is strived to build a risk disposal responsibility mechanism for building power and responsibilities, and incentive constraints, and the scientific and reasonable risk disposal cost sharing mechanism.

According to the central bank's website on Wednesday (March 27), Pan Gongsheng emphasized at the keynote speech at the Boao Forum for Asia's 2024 Annual Meeting "Deepening the Asian Financial Cooperation" forum, which emphasized that China has always attached great importance to actively preventing and resolving finance.risk.

He also said that the construction of China's domestic financial security network has always adhered to the principle of "preventing the accumulation of excessive accumulation of financial risks beforehand, and quickly and efficiently dealing with risks in the event."

In terms of strengthening the rule of law of strengthening financial stability, Pan Gongsheng introduced that China is formulating the financial stability law, focusing on building power and responsibilities, such as the risk disposal responsibility mechanism, and the scientific and reasonable risk disposal cost.Sharement mechanism.

Pan Gongsheng said that the construction of the Asian financial security network requires unity and cooperation and active construction of all parties.The People's Bank of China is willing to fully communicate with all parties to jointly build a more effective financial security network.