Liu Jianchao, Minister of the Ministry of the United States, who has been visiting many times this year, said that the Ministry of the United States is part of China's overall diplomacy, and the Ministry of China and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also complement each other.When asked whether the flow of the two ministers was relatively natural, Liu Jianchao said, "quite natural."

, Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China, has served as a foreign minister.Among the high -level Chinese senior management with rich diplomatic qualifications, Liu Jianchao, 60, has always been considered a popular candidate for the next foreign minister.

Liu Jianchao talked with Li Huiling, president of the Chinese Media Group on Wednesday (27th) at the "Huiyan China Dialogue" forum.When responding to Li Huiling's foreign role in the Ministry of China and the flow of staffing between the Ministry of China and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Liu Jianchao said that several colleagues had worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. "The cooperation between us and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is very good., Complement each other and promote diplomatic goals together. "

Li Huiling further asked: "Will the flow of the minister be more natural?"

In the laughter of the audience's heart, Liu Jianchao replied: "The flow of the minister ... yes ... it is natural." He then added, not only the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of the Ministry, but also the Ministers between the Ministers of various departments.There are quite a lot.

He took himself as an example that he worked at the Office of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission, the Central Foreign Affairs Working Committee office and local governments.Where to work.

Earlier, Liu Jianchao also introduced that the Central Committee of the Central Committee is a working department of the CPC Central Committee. It is responsible for dealing with the connection between the Chinese government and the world. It is part of China's overall diplomacy.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China is more concentrated in government diplomacy, while the Ministry of the United States has the main connection with other national political parties. There are some specific cooperation between the party, but it is more about the exchange of ideas and ideas."" ".

He said that the Ministry of China and more than 700 political parties in more than 160 countries in the world have contact. The Ministry of the United States has been doing these tasks, but it is more proactive after the epidemic, wider, and more frequently.