On the afternoon of March 27, a number of students from Beijing Normal University posted on the Internet that a teacher recommended himself a online course on social sciences that he opened on station B in the classroom.No homework. "The teacher's sincerity also moved students and netizens. The fans increased by 200,000 overnight, and fans had more than 200,000 on the morning of the 28th.On the 28th, the upstream journalist contacted the teacher of the North Normal University, but he declined the interview.The school stated that the relevant situation is currently understanding.

The lecture video recorded by Chen Zhixin.Video screenshot

A student from a Beijing Normal University told upstream journalists that she was studying in the classroom at that time. "After returning to the classroom, the classmates in the classroom were stuffed with a leaflet, as if the teacher walked into the leaflets sent by the classroom, social sciences, and social sciences.Introduction this course has not been completed this semester, and the teacher recorded about 28 hours of videos by himself.Learning as a teacher, the school motto spirit of the world is shining on the teacher. "

Upstream journalists see that there is a search method on the leaflet on the leaflet."Online lessons, free, no credits, no homework, no question and answer, no exams, coming, and going to go. A total of 21 speakers, 26 disciplines in social sciences" "Welcome to bring your friends and partners together, welcome to take care of the wayThis information information is recommended to your roommates, fellows, classmates, and even off -campus classmates ", signed as" Chen Zhixin, Department of Information Resource Management, the School of Information Resources of the School of Government Management of Beijing Normal University ", and there is also contact information.

On the 28th, upstream journalists contacted Associate Professor Chen Zhixin, but he declined the interview requirements, saying that the relevant situation was repaid by the college of the School of Government Management.Understand. "

A number of North Normal University students said that the issue of Mr. Chen's leaflets has been extensively reposted in the circle of friends of Bei Shi.On Professor Chen's video account, upstream journalists saw that each online course video marked the content and serial number of the curriculum.

From March 24th, in 4 days, Professor Chen released a total of 38 online courses, and there were only more than 4,000 fans on the afternoon of the 27th. As of the press release of upstream journalists, his account fans had exceeded 200,000 more than 200,000, Raising 200,000 overnight.

Is it not enough for students to register for the curriculum?In the video comment area, Professor Chen explained: "It was the school's teaching system that did not take his own class, so I chose to go directly to my classmates to recommend it. I must actively strive for this course."

Some people have made suggestions to Professor Chen to classify videos to facilitate everyone to learn.Professor Chen also said: "I am not familiar with the operation. My level is not high. If you have time for your classmates, please tell me how to change it. It is best to send an mailbox. I am afraid I can't see your reply."At 2 am on the 28th, Professor Chen also responded to an email of a netizen, saying that" the staff of station B has contacted himself, and it is estimated that it will be able to collect in the past two days. "

Upstream journalists learned that Professor Chen began to prepare for the Social Sciences Introduction to the General Society of Social Sciences from March 2023.Learning, ethnicology, anthropology, etc., covering almost all social science content, mainly to enhance the literacy of students' humanities.

Upstream journalists learned from the Academic Affairs Department of Beijing Normal University that there have been 94 core courses of generals have been established and 45 -door core courses were opened in the spring semester of 2023. Among them, there are many masterpieces of masterpieces.A student of a Beijing Normal University said that last year, he was lucky to hear Professor Kang Zhen's course in the Tang Shi selection course of the undergraduate school.However, in the spring semester of 2024, the core courses recommended by Beijing Normal University to students were reduced to 26.Regarding why the core courses for reducing generals, the Academic Affairs Department of Beijing Normal University declined an interview with upstream journalists.

Upstream journalist Tang Hao