It is commonly known as Article 23 of the Hong Kong Basic Law to maintain the legislation of the National Security Regulations, which has attracted criticism from Western countries and media.Hong Kong Security Director Deng Bingqiang went to believe in the New York Times in the United States, expressing dissatisfaction with the newspapers and magazines.

The New York Times published an article entitled by Hong Kong people who can only talk about freedom.

The article states that the language used by the National Security Law and 23 legislations in Hong Kong is broadly blurred. It is "the institution that aims to put citizens in the place of freedom to death and protects the people of the people into a blunt device for tools."

The article also wrote that after 23 legislation passed, the Hong Kong people were quietly taking preventive measures to bring "those exciting days, T -shirts, video fragments, computer files and other.File processing ".

According to the Singao Daily of Hong Kong, Deng Bingqiang said that he had a strong dissatisfaction and condemnation of his misleading remarks.The Hong Kong National Security Law and the maintenance of national security regulations target national security behaviors, and clearly list criminal elements of criminals. People who abide by the law include ordinary passengers who go to Hong Kong and will not mistakenly fall into the French Open.

Deng Bingqiang said that there is a crime of inciting publications in the maintenance of the national security regulations. It has clearly stipulated that only if one person has no reasonable justification, it is criminal to have incitement publications.Whether the publication has a incitement diagram must be determined after considering all the relevant situations. If the person involved does not know that the publication has an incitement diagram, it is impossible to be convicted.

Deng Bingqiang reiterated that maintaining the rights and freedoms that the National Security Regulations are clearly stipulated in the basic law, and the provisions of relevant international human rights conventions will be guaranteed in accordance with the law.He said that the New York Times has strongly urged the New York Times to ensure that reports on Hong Kong are fair and fair, and stop perctively.