Cao Dewang attaches great importance to clothes. He once joked: "I don't look good, make up for clothing."Source: Visual China

Author | Wen Shijun

Edit | Wang Weikai

78 -year -old Cao Dewang cannot be idle.

On March 25th, the outskirts of Fuzhou, Lizhou Island surrounded by water, and the brand -new administrative building of Fuyao University of Science and Technology, Cao Dewang personally hosted a "coach" meeting: "Net Red" President Wang Shuguo took over Mei HongAcademician became the third president of Fuyao University of Science and Technology.Six days ago, the 66 -year -old Wang Shuguo retired from the position of the president of Xi'an Jiaotong University.

This is a private university that has not yet enrolled.In May 2021, the He Ren Charity Foundation (Cao Heren of his father) founded by Cao Dewang contributed 10 billion yuan in construction.One year later, construction was started. At the end of 2023, the infrastructure was completed, and the dean of each college was in place.In less than 3 years, the university changed three principals, each of which was not small.

Everything is very efficient, but it often means that there is a strict boss behind it.

This time, the combination of the principal of the Internet celebrity and the Internet celebrity entrepreneur directly rushed to the hot search list, and also allowed Cao Dewang and his Fuyao Glass to receive the outside world again.

Double -sided boss Cao Dewang

The solid figure, peaceful expression, slowly swallowing Fujian accent, and big charity, Cao Dewang left the public a "generous" image.

However, as the first generation of entrepreneurs after reform and opening up, Cao Dewang was full of complexity and diversification after the ups and downs of market and society.

"The victory is idle, the desire for righteousness; knowing its male, keeping his female." This couplet originated from Zeng Guofan, a famous late Qing Dynasty, had been hung in Cao Dewang's office for eight years.The male is a powerful side, and the blade can produce the sheath at the critical moment; the female is to have a flexible and elastic side, let alone paranoia.

Presumably, Cao Dewang realized a lot of true life from these 12 words.

Cao Dewang has a typical "boss" trace: a magnificent mansion, a private plane traveling, loves food, loves wine, always staying in more than a dozen housekeepers, a full box of Moutai wine in the wine cellar, the wine cellar, the wine cellar,Famous brand clothing filled with wardrobe ...

At the same time, he is enthusiastic about charity and is a frequent guest in the charity list.In 1983, he donated 2,000 yuan to his primary school to change the desk and chairs. In the 40 years since, his personal donation reached 16 billion yuan.

Cao Dewang once said that he "likes to make the best", and often becomes the focus of public opinion because of straightforward speech, but for such a physical charityist, public opinion will naturally provide sincere praise.

Today Cao Dewang has withdrawn from the ranks of the rich.On the 2024 Hurun Rich List announced on March 25, Cao Dewang was 21.5 billion yuan, ranking 1188 in the world.As a "old money", as far as wealth is concerned, he is not even as good as the Zhang's brothers who founded Mixue Ice City.

As a successful and savvy businessman, Cao Dewang became famous for his glass career and huge wealth, but today he's label is far from "rich".

Cao Dewang's academic qualifications are not high. He does not taboo about this in autobiography: 9 years old only go to elementary school. At the age of 14, he was disgusted with the director of the

Cao Dewang recalled that he asked Wang Yongqing, Chairman of Formosa Plastics: How to retain talents?How to cultivate talents?Wang Yongqing told him that management could not be hired outside and had to train himself. Formosa Plastics had their own industrial school.Speaking of this, Cao Dewang had a little regret: "Although Fu Yao did not run a school, he took the factory as a school."

Now, Cao Dewang has started to school and is a university.

Cao Dewang is full of energy, and Fuyao Glass controls has firmly in his family.Even at the age of 78, Cao Dewang had no plan to retire and still served as chairman.The vice chairman is his 54 -year -old eldest son Cao Hui, the general manager Ye Shu is his son -in -law, and the deputy general manager is his brother -in -law.

He once said: I am only in my seventy years, I am still young, and I believe I will be one hundred years old.

When the Heren Foundation invested 10 billion yuan to build Fuyao University of Science and Technology, Cao Dewang was even more attentive.He was stationed in the workplace room at the university site, and he had the details of the project in detail, from fire approval to garden planning.Today, he personally hosted the employment meeting of the new principal.

Continue to add in the United States

One week before the university's coach, the US Ambassador to China Nicholas Bernes went to Fujian.While meeting with a group of officials, Bernus also visited Fuyao Glass.

Cao Dewang led a team to receive. He said that Fuyao's investment in four states in the United States exceeded $ 1 billion and provided more than 3,000 jobs. Fuyao also intends to invest another $ 650 million to expand its operating scale.Bernus later said that the meeting was "effective" and sent Cao Dewang's words on his social media.

Successful merchants will also use the media as tactical weapons, and Cao Dewang knows this.If his autobiography is bodhi, he records the confrontation or "borrowing" with Chinese and foreign media several times in the early days of entrepreneurship.

In February 2020, the American factory obtained Oscar's best documentary, tells the story of Fuyao Glass.

This documentary also makes Cao Dewang a newsman on the other side of the ocean.In this meeting, Bernus used this as a topic. He said to Cao Dewang: "Your reputation in the United States is great, and my wife and I have seen the American factory."

As the owner of the "American factory", Cao Dewang has a personal interest. He said to Bernus: "The economic complementarity of China and the United States can be replaced by any country.The problem, do not have misjudgment, let alone express the "decoupling", which is not good for both parties. "

How is Cao Dewang's "American Factory" recently?Judging from the latest Fuyao financial report, I made a lot of money.

As of the end of 2023, the total amount of assets of Fuyao Glass Corporation, Ohio (including 100%controlling Fuyao Glass Illinois Co., Ltd. and Fuyao US C assets) has reached RMB 7.431 billion (US $ 1.03 billion), allThe annual revenue is RMB 5.570 billion, and the net profit is RMB 494 million.

The Fuyao Glass U.S. Co., Ltd. here contains the "American Factory" in the "American Factory" in the "US Factory" in 2016, the Ohio State Donaton Motor Glass Factory.It also includes an upstream enterprise -Illinois Glass Factory, an American glass giant PPG, which was purchased at a price of $ 56 million in 2014 and was transformed into production in 2016.

Today, the value of these assets has exceeded $ 1 billion.

Cao Dewang has doubled investment.In early February 2023, Fuyao was issued an overseas investment certificate from the Fujian Provincial Department of Commerce [2023] N00009, and the total amount of investment in Fuyao Glass America was RMB 8.75 billion (US $ 1.25 billion).

The newly added 650 million U.S. dollars, 300 million yuan invested in the Ohio State Donadon Factory to build a coating car glass production line and a tempered mezzanine side window production line;Drinks of solar back plate glass deep processing production lines and other projects.

How much actually cast?According to the financial report data, in 2023, Fuyao's fixed assets have long -term investment assets of 4.475 billion yuan, of which the "American automotive glass project" is in place RMB 1.241 billion (US $ 170 million).

Fuyao's subsidiaries in the United States are all directly or indirectly 100%of the shares.Source: Company Financial Report

As a supplier in the industrial chain, Fuyao's strategy can actually be summarized as close to car enterprise construction factories, from raw materials to processing plants, and then compress the costs such as logistics and tariffs.

A fierce one in Hefei

China and the United States are the two largest automotive markets in the world. Cao Dewang chose to bet on both sides.

On January 8, 2014, Fuyao registered Fuyao Glass (Fujian) Co., Ltd. in Fuqing, Fujian Province to use it to "build a car safety glass project".This is the first large -scale expansion of Fuyao after 6 years, and the location is in the "base" Fuqing.The investment scale is RMB 3.25 billion, using "own funds" and "investment in installments".

At the end of January 2024, Fuyao decided to invest in a subsidiary in Hefei City, Anhui Province to build automobile safety glass, car accessories glass and floating glass projects with a larger investment scale -RMB 5.75 billion.

However, this time, the leverage was added, and the "self -raising funds" were used: Fuyao obtained half of the loan credit of the Bank of Communications Fujian Branch and Hingye Bank of Fuqing Sub -branch, and merged RMB 6 billion.Investment is more than RMB 250 million than the Hefei project.

A subtle coincidence is that Hefei and Fuqing merged with RMB 9 billion in investment, which is more than RMB 8.75 billion in Fuyao's investment in Fuyao Glass US Co., Ltd., and more than 250 million yuan.

In the "Chairman's speech" that Fuyao's financial report has always been briefly, Cao Dewang specifically mentioned these two investments, but the wording is more general: "In order to meet the needs of market development, the company's board of directors made Fujian Fuqing and Hefei, Anhui Hefei.The decision of RMB 9 billion yuan has laid the foundation for the company's future growth and laid the foundation.

Why does Fuyao expand production capacity at this time?The market even has a voice saying that this is "inverting in the trend."In response to this problem, the prism received a very official answer from Fuyao: "The reason for the investment of Hefei and Fuqing, the announcement of the listed company issued by our company can prevail."


Announcement does give some reasons: the establishment of a new Fuqing plant "continuing to enhance the company's head enterprise siphon effect".The new production capacity in Hefei is the cluster advantage of Hefei New Energy Vehicle.

But some reasons are not mentioned in the announcement.Fuqing enterprises invest in Fuqing, which is "obligation."The newly -built Fuqing plant does not have a corresponding car production capacity, so it is defined as "automotive glass export base".Because for the automotive glass industry, it is the best layout next to the vehicle company.

Investment in Hefei is a fierce trick of Fuyao Glass.

In 2023, Hefei automobile production was 1.34 million vehicles, 740,000 new energy vehicles, an increase of 1.6 times, and the top 5 cities across the country.But before that, Fuyao Glass had no factory in Anhui Province.Xinyi Glass, which has the second share of the car glass market, established Xinyi Glass Wuhu Industrial Park in Wuhu 20 years ago. For a long time, it has been the most important automotive glass production capacity in Anhui Province.

Wuhu is from Hefei, but 150 kilometers, and there is a well -known car company Chery.

Earlier, the heavy town of Anhui's automobile industry was Wuhu.Nowadays, Hefei's cars, especially the new energy vehicle industry, are rising, and Xinyi Glass will enjoy a feast -new energy vehicle glass with more imagination space.

Compared with traditional car glass, new energy vehicle glass has information display and communication antennas.This often means higher profits.

But Fuyao Glass is "intercepted".

After all, in 1979, the water meter glass factory run by Fuqing Gaoshan Commune in Fujian, and developed into a global leader in the world."Revolution is not to dinner," Cao Dewang was almost merciless to competitors.