CCTV News, the reporter learned from the Supreme People's Procuratorate today (27th) that Zhu Congzhang, a member of the former party group and vice chairman of the Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the CPPCC, was suspected of accepting a bribe.The Ganzhou People's Procuratorate reviewed and prosecuted.Recently, the People's Procuratorate of Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province has filed a public prosecution from the Ganzhou Intermediate People's Court in Jiangxi Province.

At the review and prosecution stage, the procuratorial organs informed the right to the defendant Zhu Congzhang enjoyed by the law and questioned the defendant Zhu Congzheng to hear the opinion of the defender.Prosecutor's prosecution accusation: The defendant Zhu Congzheng used the deputy secretary and general manager of the party committee of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, a member of the Party Committee of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the assistant to the president and the director of the issuance supervision department, a member of the party group and deputy governor of the Zhejiang Provincial Government, the Zhejiang Provincial CPPCCThe convenience of members of the party group and other positions, seek benefits for others, and illegally accept others' property. The amount is particularly huge. According to law, it should be held criminally responsible for bribery.

Public information shows that Zhu Congzheng, male, Han nationality, born in March 1965, was born in Fatxi, Anhui.He joined the work in August 1988 and joined the Communist Party of China in July 1985.Graduate degree, master's degree in economics, master's degree in business management, economist.

From August 1988 to November 1992, Zhu Congzhang served as a cadre of the Central Bank Financial Management Department.From 1992 to 2012, Zhu Congzhang worked in the securities supervision system for a long time and was regarded as a cadre of the Securities Regulatory System.In the past two decades, Zhu Congli has served as deputy director of the Office of the CSRC and deputy director of the Securities Committee of the State Council, director of the Service Center of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, Commissioner of Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Commissioner Office, Deputy General Manager of Shanghai Stock Exchange, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Shanghai Securities TransactionGeneral manager, secretary of the party committee, general manager of Shanghai Stock Exchange, and deputy secretary of the party committee.From January 2008 to September 2011, Zhu Congzhang was the assistant to the chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the party committee member and the director of the issuance supervision department; from September 2011 to May 2015, Zhu Congzhang was the assistant to the chairman of the CSRC and the party committee members.

In May 2012, Zhu Congzhang left the securities supervision system and served as the deputy governor of Zhejiang Province. He was responsible for business, foreign affairs, market supervision, intellectual property rights, finance, port and drug supervision.

In June 2022, Zhu Congyi, who has been the deputy governor of Zhejiang Province for ten years, is a member of the party group of the CPPCC of the New Zhejiang Provincial Political Consultative Conference.In January 2023, Zhu Congzhang was elected as the vice chairman of the Zhejiang CPPCC.

According to the Beijing Youth Daily report, according to Caixin report, Zhu Congzhang did not "further" because the family was too rich.Some people familiar with the matter revealed that Zhu Congzhang has been publicly disclosed in the "rich people" in the Securities Regulatory Commission and the senior cadres of Zhejiang Province for many years.Nickname.According to reports, Zhu Congzhang's salary was very high during his tenure in the Shanghai Stock Exchange. At that time, Shanghai's house prices were low. Zhu Congzheng invested in multiple sets of Shanghai real estate during that time.The villas in Shanghai were worth tens or millions in early 2000. Later, the market value of more than 100 million was also common.In addition, Zhu Congzhang's wife is engaged in a higher -income private equity fund industry.

On May 4, 2023, the State Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection reported on the official website that Zhu Congzhang, a member of the Party Group and vice chairman of the Zhejiang Provincial Political Consultative Conference, was investigated by serious disciplinary violations.

On November 7, 2023, Zhu Congzhang was "double -opened".After investigation, Zhu Congzheng lost his ideals and beliefs, deviated from his original mission, discussed the Party's Central Committee and major decisions, engaged in group groups, destroyed the political ecology, carried illegal books to enter the country and read for a long time, and confronted the organizational review; ignored the eight regulations of the Central Committee;The spirit, accepting banquets and tourism activities that may affect fair execution of official duties; lack of organizational principles, do not report personal matters in accordance with regulations, and illegally seek benefits for relatives and others in terms of employment and promotion of positions;Knowing the business activities in the jurisdiction of the spouse illegally but not corrected, and using his powers to seek unfair economic benefits as relatives; private use of public instruments, illegal intervention and intervening in market economy activities and law enforcement judicial activities; moral corruption; discipline and law consciousness, greedy greedWithout a good, "eating finance by finance" uses positions to facilitate the benefit of the company's listing, financing loans, etc., and illegally receive huge amounts of property.

Source: CCTV News, Economic Observation Network, Beijing Youth Daily, Central Discipline Inspection Commission State Supervision Commission website