Pan Gongsheng, president of the Bank of China, said that some positive signals have appeared in the Chinese real estate market. Long -term healthy and stable development has a solid foundation. The fluctuations in the real estate market have limited impact on the financial system.

According to the China News Agency, Pan Gongsheng attended the 2024 annual meeting of the China Development High -level Forum on Monday (March 25) in Beijing.

Pan Gongsheng said that the Chinese financial system is stable, the overall health of financial institutions, and strong risk resistance.The Chinese government's debt level is at the bottom level of the midstream, and the relevant policies that resolve the risk of local government debt are gradually working.

In addition, China has established an effective financial security network, including improving the management of financial institutions' corporate governance, strengthening financial supervision, strengthening the protection of resource protection, exerting the functions of the last lender, and strengthening the protection of the rule of law.

He said that China's economy has maintained a good situation and has the ability to achieve the expected growth goal of about 5%throughout the year.Since the beginning of this year, monetary policy has increased the adjustment of counter -cycle, the policy effects have continued to appear, and there are still sufficient policy space and rich tool reserves in the future.

Pan Gongsheng said that the central bank of China will combine the needs of the regulatory situation, flexible, accurately and effective implementation of stable monetary policy, strengthen counter -cyclical regulation, and use stable prices and push prices to rise as important to grasp monetary policy to grasp the monetary policyConsidering, continue to create a good monetary and financial environment for the economic recovery.

He also said that the experience of China's financial market development shows that unswervingly expanding opening up is a strong driving force and important guarantee for achieving high -quality financial development.Key measures for competitiveness.In the next step, the People's Bank of China will continue to do a good job of financial opening up.