On the afternoon of February 21, the website of the State Commission of Discipline Inspection issued the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, quoting news from the Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. Wang Xiaohua, a member of the former party group and deputy director of the Yunnan Provincial Department of Commerce, was expelled from the party and public office.

After investigation, Wang Xiaohua's party spirit is not pure and the position is not strong. If the problem is covered, the requirements for avoidance are light, and the inspection and rectification requirements are not implemented;And use influence to make a profit for relatives; morality is losing, disregarding social morality and family virtues, and harming the image of party members and leading cadres.

Disciplinary supervision department comment: Wang Xiaohua seriously violates the party's political discipline, integrity discipline and life discipline, constitutes serious duties of violations and suspected bribery crimes, abuse of authority crimes, serious circumstances, bad nature, and should be dealt with seriously.

In accordance with the relevant regulations of the People's Republic of China on Disciplinary Disciplinary Regulations of the Communist Party of China, the People's Republic of China Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China Public Officials' Public Officer Government Affairs Law, etc., was studied and reported to the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee for approval by the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Yunnan.The Provincial Supervisory Commission was expelled from public office; it was collected in violation of laws and disciplines; it was transferred to the procuratorial organs to review and prosecute the procuratorial organs in accordance with the law.

Public information shows that Wang Xiaohua, male, Han nationality, Kunming, Yunnan, was born in October 1966, has a postgraduate degree, joined the work in August 1988, and joined the Communist Party of China in September 1992.Wang Xiaohua has long worked at the Yunnan Provincial Department of Economic and Trade (Provincial Department of Commerce) for a long time.Director of the Division, in May 2019, served as a member and deputy director of the Provincial Department of Commerce, and was investigated in March 2023.

It is worth noting that in the report of Wang Xiaohua's "double opening" report, it mentioned that his "morality is losing, disregarding social morality and family virtues", and "the image of damage to party members and leading cadres."So what kind of violation of discipline and law will be characterized by "disregarding social morality and family virtues"?

From the perspective of the party discipline, Article 114 of the Communist Party of China Disciplinary Disciplinary Regulations stipulates: "If there are other serious violations of social morality and family virtue, they shall be warned by the specific circumstances until they are expelled from the party."

"Xilinhot City Discipline Inspection and Supervision Committee" WeChat public account in January 2020 How did the article noticed that the behavior of party members and cadres violated family virtue and social morality?Analysis from the perspective of the Civil Code.

The article believes that Article 1043 of the Civil Code stipulates: "Family should establish an excellent family style, promote family virtue, and attach importance to the construction of family civilization. Husbands and wives should be loyal to each other, respect each other, and love each other;, Maintaining equal, harmonious, and civilized marriage and family relationships.The "Marriage and Family Editor" of the Civil Code stipulates the rights and obligations of actors in marriage, family relationships, divorce, and adoption.The actor violates the relevant obligations, constitutes the basis for the right to request for the counterparty, and assumes corresponding civil liability.

For example, a citizen is prohibited by the citizen of the citizen, and the spouse and others are prohibited by the Civil Code (Article 1042, Paragraph 2) of the Civil Code.The marriage is invalid (Article 1051 of the Civil Code), and a big marriage or living with others is one of the legal circumstances that the people's court should be allowed to divorce (Article 1079 of the Civil Code).Those who divorce or live with others have the right to request damage compensation (Article 1091 of the Civil Code).In addition, if you are divorced, the crime of compliance with the crime constitutes a major marriage will be established.

For more than, if the actor violates the obligations of the husband and wife's mutual support, the party that needs to be supported. When the other party does not fulfill its support obligations, he has the right to pay for the support fee (Article 1059 of the Civil Code).If adult children do not fulfill their support obligations, parents who lack labor ability or difficulty in living, have the right to require adult children to pay for maintenance (Article 1067, paragraph 2).


article pointed out that due to the requirements of the law, the laws and regulations that regulate the behavior of party members and cadres have put forward higher moral requirements for party members and cadres than laws to citizens.On the one hand, relevant laws and regulations advocate party members and cadres from positive angles to cultivate noble moral sentiments, establish a good family style, and abide by social morality and family virtues.On the other hand, the Party Disciplinary Regulations and Government Affairs Law identified party members and cadres to violate public morality and family virtues as violations of discipline and law, and should be punished by party discipline and government affairs.

Therefore, party members and cadres violate the behavior of Article 1042 and 1043 of the Code, for example, who are divorced, live with others, do not assume the obligations of support, support, and supportSeriously violating the behavior of family virtues and social morality not only constitutes civil violations and bear civil liability, but also shall be investigated for party discipline responsibility and government affairs responsibilities for violating the law of government affairs of party discipline.

One of them, the behavior of party members and cadres who have a spouse and people other than their spouses violate Article 135 of the Party Disciplinary Regulations on the "incorrect relationship with others, causing adverse effects" and violate the party's life discipline.It should be punished by the corresponding party discipline.At the same time, in accordance with Article 40 of the Affairs Affairs Law on Article 40 of the Affairs of the Government Affairs, the provisions of "violating family virtues and social morality" shall be subject to corresponding government affairs.

Second, for party members and cadres, do not pay attention to the construction of the family style, and disassemble the spouse, children and their spouses to teach, causing adverse effects or serious consequences, or other serious violations of social morality and family virtues, thenArticle 136 and 138 of the Regulations of the Party Disciplinary Action, which constitute the discipline of party discipline, should be punished by party discipline.

Third, party members and cadres refuse to bear the obligations of support, support, and support; those who implement domestic violence, abuse and abandon family members; other violations of family virtues and social morality, violate Article 40 of the Government Affairs Law,According to the severity of the circumstances, it should be warned until fired.