High Procuratorate News on January 18, Li Shiwei (at the main hall) of the former secretary of the Tieling Municipal Party Committee of Liaoning Province was suspected of accepting bribery.The Liaoning Provincial People's Procuratorate designated jurisdiction and was reviewed and prosecuted by the People's Procuratorate of Benxi City.A few days ago, the People's Procuratorate of the Benxi City made a decision to arrest Li Shiwei in accordance with the law.The case is being handled further.

Li Shiwei

July 28, 2023: Li Shiwei was investigated; January 5 this year, Li Shiwei was expelled from the party and public office.

After investigation, Li Shiwei loses his ideals and convictions, abandons his original mission, and has long -term superstition activities; ignores the spirit of the eight central regulations, accepts gifts and gifts in violation of regulations, accepts banquets and tourism arrangements that may affect fair execution of official duties;, In the selection and appointment of cadres, seek benefits for others; have non -listed companies shares in violation of regulations; use the convenience of positions and the convenience conditions formed by power or status, and seek benefits for others in terms of loan discount acquisition and engineering contracting.Essence

Li Shiwei seriously violates the party's political discipline, organizational discipline, integrity discipline, and life discipline, constitutes serious duties and suspected bribery crimes.Should be dealt with seriously.In accordance with the relevant regulations of the People's Republic of China on the People's Republic of China on Disciplinary Action Regulations, the People's Republic of China Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China, the Public Officer Government Affairs Law of the People's Republic of China, was studied and reported to the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee for approval by the Liaoning Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission's meeting.Give it to the expedition to public office; seize the income of disciplinary violations; transfer it to the procuratorial organs to review and prosecute the prosecutor's organs in accordance with the law.

The official resume shows that Li Shiwei, male, born in November 1964, joined the work in January 1986, joined the Communist Party of China in August 1987, and college degree.

Li Shiwei was formerly the deputy director of the Liaoning Provincial National Defense Technology Industry Office and a member of the party group, deputy mayor of Dandong City, director of the Management Committee of Qianyang Economic Development Zone, Liaoning, member of the party group, deputy member of the party group of the Liaoning Provincial Economic and Information CommitteeDirector, member of the Standing Committee of Tieling Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Liaoning Railway Energy Co., Ltd. and chairman.

In December 2017, he served as deputy secretary, deputy mayor, and acting mayor of the Tieling Municipal Party Committee; in January 2018, he served as Deputy Secretary and Mayor of Tieling Municipal Party Committee; in April 2019, he served as Secretary of the Tieling Municipal Party Committee;In January 2020, he served as the secretary of the Tieling Municipal Party Committee and the director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress; he was removed from office in June 2021 until he was investigated.

Tieling City has been investigated by multiple party and government, including Li Wenke, former secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Wu Yesong, former secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, former Mayor Jiang Zhou, former Mayor Fang Shouyi, and former Mayor Lin Qiang.