On January 16, 11 students from Huazhong Agricultural University jointly named the real -name report that Huang Moumou, a professor of animal nutrition at the school, had academic fake behavior. Among the many academic papers he guided, there were tampering with experimental data and experimental pictures fraud, Plagiarism and other issues.These students said that in addition, Huang Mou also had violations of teachers' morality such as manipulating peer reviews, suppressing students, and deducting labor expenses.

On the evening of January 16, the School of Animal Science and Technology and the School of Animal Medical Medicine of Huazhong Agricultural University of Agricultural University of Agricultural and Rural University stated that the college had set up a special class to launch a survey procedure.The college always adheres to the first standard of morality and morality, and has zero tolerance for academic misconduct.On January 17, the staff of the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee of Huazhong Agricultural University told China News Weekly that the school is currently investigating the matter. If there is a result, it will be announced as soon as possible.

Instructions issued by the School of Animal Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University and the School of Animal Medical Medicine

China News Weekly contacted a student reported through Weibo. The student said that the number of graduate students who reported the real -name report accounted for more than half of the total number of Huang Moumou's research group.They mentioned in the report letter that they called on relevant departments to conduct thorough investigation and serious treatment of the counterfeiting behavior of Huang Moumou and his team.At the same time, it is also hoped that the school can give them reasonable compensation and solutions to these affected students to repair the damage they suffer and protect their learning and development rights.

11 professors of the research group in the master doctoral of the Master of Master.Figure/Network

The student mentioned that after the incident attracted attention, the college immediately contacted the classmates who reported the joint report to learn more about the specific situation and immediately launched the investigation.Treatment.

In a detailed material for 125 pages on the Internet, 11 students co -branded that Huang Moumou had various serious academic misconduct.Students believe that during the study, Huang Moumou forced them to perform academic morality such as data tampering and fabricating experiments, which seriously damaged the fairness and credibility of scientific research.

China News Weekly, this document mainly explains the problems existing in the three doctoral students guided by Huang Moumou and 13 master's students, including tampering with interview data, stitching modification experimental icons and data, changing experiments, changes experimentsResults, plagiarism papers, etc.

For example, the WB diagram of the protein expression results in piglet liver is the result of the protein expression of mouse liver; the experimental processing methods of the two thesis authors are different, but some of these experiments are completely the same, and some inconsistent experimentsAs a result, there were significant or standard deviations; the pigs and feeding time of the two papers were different, but the same results were reused in many places in the text, and so on.

It is worth noting that in the paper listed on the students, many projects that have been used by Huang Moumou as the National Natural Science Foundation of China have been included in the project report.

In addition, 11 students also charged the materials in the report that Huang Moumou still had the situation of manipulating peer reviews, improper signatures of thesis, deducting student labor fees, and suppression of students.Huang Moumou had manipulated his peer review to publish his research results smoothly.Screenshots provided by the students showed that Huang Moumou asked the graduate student to formulate an expert review opinion and remind the student "this is an opportunity."

11 graduate students stated in the report letter that under the cover of false data and results, Huang Moumou and related beneficiaries not only did not receive any punishment, but also received a lot of scientific research funds and project funding.Reputation and status."We can't sit at the sight of the east flow of the country's funding for supporting scientific research and development.

Public information shows that Huang Moumou, a student of the School of Animal Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, who has been reported by the students, is currently the director of the Department of Nutrition and Feed Science. The research direction is animal molecular nutrition and feed processing technology.He has chaired scientific research projects such as the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" national key research and development plan, the National "973" plan, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Swedish International Youth Fund, and the PhD of the Ministry of Education.

After being reported by 11 masters and doctoral graduates, the official website of the Animal Medical College of Animal Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University has been unable to view Huang Moumou's teacher information.

The original title 11 students jointly reported the professor, and the report letter wrote 125 pages