"West Hunan Corpse Hunan Corpse Hunan Scenic Area Hunan Zhangjiajie Scenic"Performance attracts tourists, and the local cultural tourism director denied that he would show his performance, and said that he would take other creative forms to shoot videos in the future.

According to Red Star News, a network video video caused controversy on Tuesday (January 16). The screenshot showed that the official account of the Zhangjiajie National Forest Park released a dynamic dynamics with a video.Some people also did zombie movements.

The netizens have different responses to the local "rushing corpse" as a cultural tourism propaganda method. Some people think that it is a good creativity, and some people criticize that they are publicity and feudal superstition.

A staff member of the Zhangjiajie National Forest Park Authority responded that the "corpse" video circulating on the Internet was indeed released by Zhangjiajie National Forest Park.Peng Zhenhua, director of the District Culture, Tourism, Radio, Film and Television and Sports Bureau, but after considering that Peng Zhenhua did not appear in the photo, it caused public opinion on the Internet. The video has been deleted.

In the interview, Peng Zhenhua denied that he appeared in the show to perform "rushing the corpse", and said that he would take other more creative forms to shoot videos in the future.

"Xiangxi Corpse" is the old legend of the western region of Hunan, China. This is the body of the local people who died in a foreign country to return home. Due to the special corpse treatment method and transportation method, the sense of mystery has increased.All kinds of legends related to "zombies".

Recently, all over China have made their efforts to promote the local tourism industry. In this regard, the WeChat public account of the People's Daily Overseas Edition "Xia Ke Island" stated that cultural tourism marketing, "volume", don't do it, don't do it, don't do it.Bad taste.

"Xia Ke Island" on Thursday (January 18) stated that in the context of boosting the economy, the hot cultural tourism heat made many places see hope.

The article states that the Internet celebrity economy is new, Qiqi, and special, and the freshness and differentiation experience are very important, but from the recent situationSome of them are still in the predicament of follow -up and inner rolls, and they are all.

The article pointed out that instead of digging short and haunted hunting, it is better to think about the improvement of cultural tourism hardware improvement and service update.Otherwise, even if the network traffic ushered in tourists, it will also smash the brand because of a bad experience.