High Prosecutor's News on January 12, Xiao Xing, former party committee member and deputy general manager of China Taiping Insurance Group Co., Ltd., was suspected of accepting bribery. It was investigated by the State Supervision Commission and transferred to the procuratorial organs for review and prosecution.A few days ago, under the jurisdiction of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Henan Provincial People's Procuratorate made a decision to arrest Xiao Xing for suspected bribery. The case is being handled.

Xiao Xing

On July 18, 2023, Xiao Xing was investigated; the news on January 5 this year, Xiao Xing was expelled from the party and public office.

After investigation, Xiao Xing lost his ideals and beliefs, deviated from his original mission, did not believe in Marxism -Lenin to believe in ghosts and gods, engaged in superstition activities, was unfaithful to the party, confronted the organizational review; ignored the spirit of the eight central regulations, and accepted gifts in violation of regulations., Accepting banquets and tourism activities that may affect fair execution of official duties; violating the organization principles, it is better to report personal related matters, and use power illegal regulations to seek benefits for others in employees' hiring; abandon the bottom line of integrity, use authority or the impact of positions in their positionsObtain benefits for relatives, arrange for others to pay by others, and owns non -listed companies shares in violation of regulations; trample on the party's discipline and state law, eat finance by finance, collect money to collect money, use job convenience for project financing, business cooperation, etc.The profit is not illegally received.

Xiao Xing seriously violates the party's political discipline, organizational discipline, integrity discipline and life discipline, constitutes serious duties and suspected bribery crimes.It should be dealt with seriously.In accordance with the relevant regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China in accordance with the relevant regulations of the People's Republic of China on Disciplinary Actions, the People's Republic of China was studied and submitted to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China by the Central Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and decided to give Xiao Xing expelled from the party by the Central Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.The committee gives it tolerance for a public office ; sends out its violations of discipline and illegal income; transfer it to the procuratorial organs for the procuratorial organs for review and prosecution in accordance with the law.

According to public resumes, Xiao Xing was born in December 1971 , once chairman of Taiping Financial Services Co., Ltd., Chairman of Taiping Financial Technology Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Chairman of Taiping Property Insurance Co., Ltd., General Manager of Taiping Asset Management Co., Ltd., General Manager of Shanghai Branch of China Life Insurance Co., Ltd., Chairman of the Supervisor of China Life Insurance (Overseas) Co., Ltd., chairman of China Life Trust Co., Ltd.

In June 2020, Xiao Xing was a member of the Party Committee, Executive Director, and Deputy General Manager of China Taiping Insurance Group, and was investigated.