The Beijing News According to the Ministry of Affairs of the Chinese Retired Military Affairs, in 2007, the 26 -year -old marine warrior Zhan Zhongyi bravely sacrificed the gangsters and buried it in Jiutong Village, Yazi Town, Yicheng District, Wucheng District, Jinhua City.In 2012, the relatives of the martyrs found that the mausoleum was severely damaged and reported to the public security organs during the sacrifice, but the arrogance was still around the law.What is even more angry is that the martyr's tomb has been damaged again in the near future.

Heroes have passed, their family members have tears, the tomb is destroyed, and the heroic spirit is hard to comfort!The behavior of malicious destruction of martyrs commemorative facilities is unbearable, and it is difficult to accommodate in the law!

Protecting martyrs commemorative facilities are essentially condensing the national spirit. Protecting the martyr's commemorative facilities is not only comforting the Yingling and promoting righteousness, but also reflecting the righteousness of the country.General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the martyrs 'praise work, and makes a series of important instructions instructions, asking for strengthening the planning, construction, repair, and management of martyrs' commemorative facilities, and emphasize that it is necessary to protect, manage, and use red resources with good intentions.In 2021, the Ministry of Retired Military Affairs, in conjunction with the Central Propaganda Department and the Ministry of Finance, implemented the renovation project of heroes martyrs below the county level.More than 77,000 commemorative facilities, pushing the martyr's commemorative facilities for centralized control, and the overall appearance of martyrs' commemorative facilities improved significantly.Today, these martyrs' commemorative facilities have become red positions. Education and guidance to the people advocate heroes, learn heroes, care for heroes, and condense strong spiritual power to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Tomb -destruction is a provocative to respect the consensus of the whole society. With the establishment of a martyr's anniversary on the state, and introduced the opinions and regulations of the Heroes of the People's Republic of China Heroes and Martyrs 'Protection Law on strengthening the work of martyrs' praise in the new era.Deeds and spirit, constantly be a good treatment of martyrs' survivors ... Respecting heroes and martyrs, inheriting the spirit of heroes, and increasingly becoming a consensus and social style of the people.In such an environment, some people have risen to the world's blasphemy to destroy the tomb of the martyrs, seriously hurt the emotions of the martyrs' relatives, and severely damage the social morality of respecting Yinglie. No matter what motivation it is, it has completely broken the law and morality.The bottom line must be severely punished in accordance with the law and obeyed!Protecting Yinglie's living place and protecting the reputation of Yinglie can be relying on the law, and there should be a law.

Houzhi respects the martyrs' fashion. Due to many aspects such as history and the wishes of relatives, there are still many scattered martyrs commemorative facilities such as Zhan Zhongyi Martyrs' Tomb, because the location is scattered and lacking special management and protection forces.EssenceThe Ministry of Retired Military Affairs Department formulated and issued the role of the service agency of the grass -roots retired soldiers to further do a good job of the protection and management of the commemorative facilities of scattered martyrs.Mechanisms to ensure that the martyr's commemorative facilities are effectively controlled.After learning that the tomb of Zhan Zhongyi was destroyed, the Government of Yazhen Town quickly repaired the damage part and increased security monitoring.The retired soldiers at all levels in Zhejiang Province and Jinhua City came to visit the relatives of the martyrs, and went to the martyr's tomb to present flowers.The public security department set up a task force to conduct a case investigation.Netizens have condemned the bad behavior of destroying the tomb of the martyrs and called for severe punishment of the perpetrator.From the perspective of the disposal of the incident, martyrs who have been stable in policies, the cooperation of various departments, and the extensive participation of the whole society have formed the work situation.

A hopeful nation must not have no heroes, and a promising country cannot have no pioneers.At any time, we will never allow anyone to blame the martyrs in any way!

Editor Mao Tianyu