On December 27, the website of the Shanxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection reported five typical cases of violating the eight central regulations of the Central Committee.The notice disclosed that Guo Jinsang, the former chairman of the Jinneng Holdings Group, who had been dismissed, also occupied 6 buses for a long time in violation of regulations when the unit was equipped with official vehicles.

Guo King Kong, male, Hui, born in July 1964, Zhongmou, Henan, graduate degree, joined the Communist Party of China in December 1994, and joined the work in July 1987.Guo Kinggang was the deputy secretary, deputy chairman, general manager, party committee secretary, chairman of the party committee, and chairman of the party committee of Datong Coal Mine Group Co., Ltd., and the party committee secretary and chairman of Jinneng Holding Group Co., Ltd. in 2020. This is the second largest coal in the countryenterprise.In May 2022, Guo King Kong transferred to the party committee and deputy general manager of the State -owned Capital Operations Co., Ltd. of Shanxi Province, and immediately announced the investigation in June of the same year, and was "double -opened" in May 2023.

The Shanxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection introduced that from 2014 to 2022, Guo Kinggang took the opportunity to celebrate the New Year, the daughter's marriage, and a business meeting., Equivalent to a total of more than 1.3 million yuan.From 2019 to 2022, when the unit has been equipped with a business vehicle, Guo Kinggang has long occupied 6 official vehicles for its personal use for its illegal regulations; in the case of the unit's equipment for office,The hotel's one room is used for personal use.

According to the news of the people who are familiar with the political and business community of Shanxi, Guo Jingang did not report to the new unit after leaving the Jinneng Holdings.Is it?In fact, Guo King Kong was in trouble in the early stage, thinking that personnel adjustment is not public for himself. He does not go to work in a new unit, but instead finds the organization to say.The report mentioned that a employee of Tongmei Group introduced that Guo King Kong's two drivers were promoted into a office cadre.After Guo Jindang was transferred away from Jinneng Holdings, his driver was also taken away by relevant departments to assist in the investigation.