The CPC Central Committee approved., No longer serving as the secretary of the Tianjin Discipline Inspection Commission.

"Tianjin Daily" WeChat public account on Thursday (December 7) reported the above -mentioned personnel appointment.

Public resumes show that 58 -year -old Chen Ci Kuan was born in a political and legal system. He graduated from litigation law in the School of Criminal Judicial University of China University of Political Science and Law.

Chen Tiekuan has worked in the Shanghai Political and Law System for many years in the early years.Deputy Procuratorate of the Municipal Procuratorate, deputy secretary of the party group.

In January 2016, Chen Huikuan entered Beijing as the director of the Tenth Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Communist Party of China. In October of the same year, he returned to the local member of the Standing Committee of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee and the Secretary of the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission.

In November 2021, Chen Tiekuan across the province to perform new provinces.