Lu Chongmao, director of the Hong Kong Medical Health Director, predicts that as the winter approaching and the increase in citizens' travel, the cases of upper respiratory infections in influenza in Hong Kong will usher in a peak period.

Comprehensive Hong Kong Radio and Hong Kong 01 reported that the National Health and Health Commission of China recently notified that respiratory diseases in mainland China have entered a high incidence period, and nasal virus, pneumoniacum chlamydia, respiratory tract hypertrophic virus and other pathogenic diseases caused by various pathogens.EssencePublic opinion is worried that with the increase in exchanges between Hong Kong citizens and mainland China, Hong Kong respiratory disease cases will rise sharply.

Lu Chongmao responded after attending the event on Saturday (December 2) that in fact, the cases of upper respiratory tract infections in Hong Kong every year will increase, not just in mainland China.

He said that although the rate of upper respiratory tract infection in Hong Kong, the ratio of influenza and coronal virus infection is not high, far less than 9.21%of the reference line.However, he expects that with the coming of winter, the temperature decreases and the festival is coming, the citizens attending a party or an increase in travel, and upper respiratory infections such as influenza will usher in a peak period.He called on citizens to pay attention to personal hygiene and vaccinated vaccines as soon as possible.

Lu Chongmao also mentioned that the vaccination rate of the flu vaccine this year was nearly 25%over last year. He was happy to this and emphasized that the Hong Kong government would ensure that sufficient vaccines would be used for citizens.However, he believes that there will be a peak of crown disease infection this winter, and it is called on citizens not to take it lightly. High -risk groups should vaccinate the vaccine. Citizens should wear masks.

In addition, Ye Baiqiang, a clinical associate professor of the Department of Children and Youth Sciences of the University of Hong Kong Medical College, said that recently the upper respiratory infection in mainland China has deteriorated rapidly. Due to frequent exchanges between Hong Kong and mainland China, these diseases are affecting Hong Kong, including pneumoniacumumiuma, Agenal virus, influenza and respiratory tract composer.

Ye Baiqiang said that at present, the ward of Hong Kong public hospitals and private hospitals is crowded. Among them, the cases of pneumoniacums have risen rapidly, from the beginning of the year to more than ten cases from the beginning of the year to more than ten; from August to the present,There are hundreds of cases per month.