The Organization Department of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee issued a public announcement before the provincial party committee management cadre was issued on November 30. Among them, 20th Central Alternate member, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, professor of Hunan Agricultural University Horticulture, national plant functional ingredientsLiu Zhonghua, director of the Engineering Technology Research Center, intends to serve as the provincial undergraduate college (work needs, from professional and technical positions to management positions as the leadership team).

Liu Zhonghua (Source of Data Maps: Official Website of Hunan Agricultural University)

According to public resumes, Liu Zhonghua, male, born in March 1965, Hengyang, Hunan, doctoral, professor, doctoral supervisor, He has been engaged in teaching and scientific research at the Tea Department of Hunan Agricultural University.In 2019, he was elected academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. Liu Zhonghua has long been engaged in the research on the efficient use of tea processing and resources, and is committed to innovating tea processing theory technology, improving the utilization rate of tea resources and comprehensive industrial benefits. Innovative black tea processing and tea deep processing theory and technical system , revealing the mechanism and black tea health attributes of black tea processing quality, creating a key technical system for high -quality and high -quality safety processing of black tea, and strongly promoted our country The black tea industry has improved quality and efficiency and rapid development; reveals the biological activity and action mechanism of tea functional ingredients, and created tea extract products have spawned a group of international mainstream health products, leading the deep processing of tea in my country from tracking Japan, Europe and the United States Developed countries to leading international peers. It has made outstanding contributions to my country's tea science and technology progress, the improvement of quality and efficiency and transformation and upgrading of the tea industry.According to the China Education Daily, as early as the 1980s, when he was still studying at Professor Shi Zhaopeng's master's degree, Liu Zhonghua began to study the quality of black tea quality.In 1991, Tea Science published the "Black Tea Manufacturing Chemistry" album, which was the hard work of the mentor and his research team who worked overtime for more than 4 years. In 1992, he had only graduated from a master's degree for more than 3 years and was promoted to associate professor. He was 27 years old and was the youngest associate professor in the national tea academic community at that time.In the mid -to -late 1990s, he and the team continued to make significant progress in the new technologies of the functional composition system of tea. The relevant innovation technologies and new products have been promoted in more than 10 provinces, and they have achieved significant economic benefits: new increases: new increases: new increasesThe output value is more than 100 billion yuan, the annual profit and tax will be more than 1 billion yuan, and the exports will create more than 200 million US dollars.Liu Zhonghua realized that such results have no vitality for academic academics and papers. Since studying tea science, it is necessary to study deep and research, and it is used for the tea industry to benefit tea farmers. After 2000, Liu Zhonghua first came to Anhua to inspect the black tea industry.Come together, see those old -fashioned materials, rustic packaging, extensive and backward workshop processing, and development bottlenecks such as inconvenient storage and transportation, unstable quality control, and unknown health mechanism.Innovation to promote the upgrade of the black tea industry."I'm standing on the shoulders of the giant." Liu Zhonghua said. The "giant" refers to his Hunan Agricultural University, the second refers to his senior teachers, and the third refers to the front line of black tea production.Tea maker.According to the Changsha Evening News, looking back at the road of scientific research, Liu Zhonghua bluntly stated that it was just "the success of countless failures." Liu Zhonghua recommends that contemporary college students must learn to cooperate and dedicate. Only in this way can there be a broader room for development.He said that there are many crossroads in life, but when choosing, adherence is essential."I can choose to be an ordinary teacher, engage in administrative work, or go to a world -class enterprise to do high salary, but I still choose to stay at Hunan Agricultural University to continue scientific research and talent training under relatively difficult conditions.Why? I have a academician dream to realize, and I have to overcome a lot of scientific problems. These are the motivation to struggle. "Liu Zhonghua said, It will definitely reach a certain state. Source: China Education News Changsha Evening News, China Education News, Hunan Agricultural University official website