(Washington Reuters) Reuters analysis article pointed out that the United States abstained by promoting the United Nations Security Council's decision to demand a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, which led to the relationship between the US President Biden and the Israeli Prime Minister Neyhho fall into the bottom.

After the United States (March 25) was abstained on Monday (March 25), the Israeli Prime Minister's office pointed out that the US position was "obvious backward", damaging Israel's war efforts, and canceled the Victoria's Victory of the Israeli high -level delegation this week.The United States tries to persuade Negama to consider entering alternatives other than Lafaya, a southern part of Gasha.The cancellation of the visit has made the US mediation work to face major obstacles.

Washington basically avoided the use of the word "ceasefire". Previously, the United Nations had been in the United Nations to exercise the veto power on the ceasefire resolution.Aaron David Miller, who had served as a representative of the Middle East and the Republican government of the Democratic Party and the Republican government, said: "This shows that the trust between the Bayeng government and the Neihuahu may be collapsed. IfIt will only continue to deteriorate without being cautious. "

The abstain of the United States when voting at the Security Council seemed to reflect that the US government was increasingly dissatisfied with the Neihuhuri.Facing the November election, Biden not only faced the pressure from the American allies, but also faced the pressure from more and more Democratic colleagues, asking him to restrain Israel.

Nei Tanahu faced the pressure of members of the right -wing alliance, asking him to take a tough route to the Palestinians.He must also convince the family members of the hostage that he is trying his best to be released. At the same time, the Israelis also frequently held a protest assembly for him to resign.

On October 18, 2023, US President Biden (left) met with the Israel Prime Minister Neyhho in Tronev to discuss the Gaza War.(Reuters)

Analysts believe that the challenges faced by Biden and Neiahu are to prevent differences and out of control.However, Jon Alterman, director of the Middle East project of Washington Think Tank Strategy and the International Research Center of Washington, pointed out that there is no reason to cause a "fatal blow" to the United States and Israel's relations that the Security Council's decision. He does not think that the door will be closed because of this.

The Israeli National Defense Minister Garrant, currently visiting Washington, attended a high -level meeting on Monday, showing that the governments of the two countries still have close communication.

But the abstain from the United States exacerbated the cracks between Biden and Negamhu.In an interview with Microsoft's National Broadcasting Corporation (MSNBC) this month, Biden said that the Lafaya offensive is a "red line".

Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse believes that Negana seems to be working with Republicans to "weapon the United States with relations to promote right -wing forces."

Bynden must avoid the support of Republicans to grasp the support of Israeli voters, and at the same time, it is necessary to avoid losing some Democratic supporters of Democratic supporters because he supports Israel.

Nei Tanahu realized that he will be defeated by any elections at present, but he also knows that the people of Israel generally support him to continue the Gaza War.Therefore, he seems to be willing to test the tolerance of Washington.