Japanese media reported that in January this year, more than 200 laborers sent in China to China had been repatriated to North Korea for organizational riots.Labor who had previously sent the Republic of the African Congo for North Korea also had a riots, which showed that the collective resistance of the North Korean outdated workers was spreading.

The Japanese Sankei Shimbun quoted a number of sources on Tuesday (March 26) that the "inheritance trade" of the Korean Ministry of Defense (Ministry of Defense) under the Ministry of Defense (Ministry of National Defense) in January this year was reported to China, andMore than 200 laborers from clothing manufacturing and aquatic product processing factories have been repatriated to North Korea for organizational riots.

Reports pointed out that the main reason for their organizational riots was that the person in charge on the spot secretly remitted about $ 12 million (about S $ 16.2 million) in the name of "warfare funds" in the name of "war preparation funds".North Korean workers threw a bottle to the factory, etc., emotional excitement.

After more than 200 North Korean workers who caused riots and riots, they have been sent back to North Korea after being detained, but those who dominate the riots may be sentenced to death, or severely punished for abuse and torture for political criminals.

It is worth noting that the riot of North Korean workers was not the first time.

It is reported that before the North Korea ’s dozens of workers from the Republic of the African Congo, more than 10 workers in a clothing factory in Dandong City, Liaoning Province, China in February 2024 also organized a riots.They were dissatisfied with the instructions of North Korea's release of "returning to labor under 30 years old" and refused to return to China to earn foreign exchange, which caused collective protests.

In this regard, the Korean National Intelligence Institute said on the 26th that the living conditions in North Korea overseas were harsh, and various events and accidents gradually increased. The Korean side was paying attention to related trends.

A source of the DPRK said that the riots of young North Korean workers were obviously different from the previous generation of workers.They tasted capitalism through North Korea's default black market.They are dissatisfied with the residential environment of arrears of wages or managers, using double three -layer beds, etc. in small rooms, and prohibiting the use of private life controls such as smartphones.

Analysis pointed out that although Kim Jong -un formulated a reactionary ideological and cultural exclusion law (2020) Pyongyang Cultural Language Protection Law (2023) State Secret Protection Law (2023) to block external culture such as South Korea, it is strictly forbidden to contact residents.However, not only in China, but also a Korean labor riots in Africa, which may surprise North Korea officials.

Wu Jingzheng, a research member of the Unified Research Institute, said that in the face of sanctions from the international community, North Korea's export labor is an important window for North Korea to earn foreign exchange income.Unexpectedly, the workers in North Korea became a "double -edged sword" that threatened the North Korean system.Although Kim Jong -un's regime wants to prevent the thoughts of residents through control and oppression, it is expected that the impact of the riot incident will increase over time.

The North Korean Sanctions Committee of the United Nations Security Council recently stated that in order to earn foreign exchange, North Korea has about 100,000 workers.North Korea earns US $ 750 million to US $ 1.1 billion through foreign exchange income every year, which is nearly three times more than the United Nations before the implementation of sanctions.