(Washington / New York Comprehensive Electric) Boeing Aircraft has recently been continuous. In the latest event, a Boeing 737-800 passenger aircraft at the United States arrived at the destination safely, and the staff found that the Boeing 737-800 passenger aircraft found the body.There is a panel without the outside.

According to data from the Federal Aviation Administration, Joint Airlines 433 flights were separated from San Francisco at 10:20 am on Friday (March 15), and landed at Madford International Airport, Oregon.

The airport said that the passenger plane landed safely without accidents. After the plane landed, the staff found that the fuselage was missing.The airport was suspended at the time to check the runway and the airport, but no fragments were found.

The United Navigation issued a statement saying that the passenger plane had 139 passengers and six units. Because there was no sign of damage to the aircraft during flight, there was no request to land urgently.

United Airlines also confirmed that the lack of panels are located in the position where the wings of the bottom of the fuselage are connected to the fuselage, close to the landing gear.United said: "We will thoroughly check the aircraft, and let it restore the service after completing all the necessary maintenance. We will also investigate to better understand how this damage happens." Boeing said that the matters and operations on the United NAC fleet will be explained by United Airlines.According to the Federal Aviation Administration's record, the aircraft was issued by the factory at the end of 1998 for 25 years.

Boeing recently occurred frequently. On January 5 this year, a Boeing 737 MAX 9 passenger plane in Alaska Airlines fell off during the flight.On March 7, a Boeing 777 passenger plane in Salon Airlines fell shortly after the departure of San Francisco, and several cars in the airport parking lot during the emergency descending.

On March 11th, a thrilling accident of a Boeing 787 Phantom Passenger Airlines on a high altitude of the Boeing 787 fantasy passenger aircraft.

Latin American Airlines blame the incident on technical issues, but the Wall Street Journal quoted the American industry reports on Friday that the accident was caused by an empty service staff accidentally.When he delivered meals, he accidentally touched a switch on the seat of the seat, causing the seat to move. The pilot collided into the operating rod, causing the nose to fall down, and the plane dived sharply.At that time, the passengers were panicked. Some passengers who did not tie the seat belt were thrown into the ceiling. 50 were injured, and 13 of them had to stay for medical treatment.

Boeing Friday recommends that airlines with 787 Dreamliner, check this aircraft's cockpit seat switch in accordance with the instructions of the operating manual released by Boeing 2017.

The United States Federal Aviation Administration said on the same day that a set of flight safety experts will be convened to review the above -mentioned operating manual for Boeing and feedback to Boeing.

The Federal Aviation Administration limited Boeing at the end of last month to formulate a set of action plans within 90 days to solve the problem of quality control and improve the safety of aircraft.Affected by this series of accidents, Boeing's stock price has fallen 25%since the beginning of the year.