中国字节跳动旗下短视频应用TikTok呼吁美国用户致电参议员,要求They voted against a bill that could make Tiktok's ban in the United States.

Reuters reported that Tiktok popped up on Friday (March 15) a notification column in the notification column of American users saying: "Tell you senators, how important Tiktok is to you. It is required to obeys the ban on the Tiktok bill to vote against you.Tickets " This notification provides a settings that allows users to enter the address postal code to find the phone number of their local senators.

Tiktok said in the notice: "If the Senate vote for the bill, a community that makes you creative and your favorite community may be banned."

On the 13th, the U.S. House of Representatives was overwhelmed by protecting Americans from being relieved of foreign opponents to control applications. It required bytes to sell TIKTOK within 180 days, otherwise Tiktok would be banned by the United States.The bill must also be approved by the Senate, and the President Biden will be signed as a law after the Senate passed.Biden has promised to sign on the bill.

However, the Senate refused to pass the bill quickly, and some heavyweight senators stated that they should consider the Tiktok bill more carefully.

The Democratic Senate Financial Committee Chairman Huaideng said in an interview with the Washington Post on Friday: "The development and changes in these fields are very fast."

The United States is particularly difficult to pass major legislation in the election year. Members who support the Tiktok bill are pessimistic that the House of Representatives proposed that the bill will not be able to pass in the Senate.Republican Senator Holy said to the US political news website AXIOS: "The situation that large technology companies are unwilling to see will not vote in the Senate."

Tiktok has about 170 million users in the United States, accounting for about half of the total US population.