(Gaza Comprehensive Electric) Israeli Prime Minister Negataro insisted on attacking Laha, a southern city of Gaza.He showed that regardless of whether a ceasefire agreement was reached, Israeli will launch an ground offensive against Lafa.In view of the continuous upgrading of the situation, the Palestinian government has announced resignation.

The ceasefire negotiations of the Gaza Strip have been restarted in Dhaha, the capital of Qatar, but Negamhu emphasized that the reaching agreement is at most that it only allows Israeli to delay the action, and the ground offensive against Lafa will still begin.

Nei Tanahu Sunday (February 25) accepted the United States Colombia Broadcasting Corporation (CBS) and said: "We must do this because our goal is to achieve a comprehensive victory, and this goal has been within reach. OnceStart action, do not have to wait a few months, you can win within a few weeks. "

The artillery and fire of the army forced Gaza civilians to continue to escape south. The southernmost tip of Gaza and La Fa, which is adjacent to the Egyptian border, was overcrowded.UN Secretary -General Gutres warned on Monday (26th) that if Israel insisted on attacking La Fa, it would cause a fatal blow to humanitarian rescue operations.

Although the Army did not launch an ground offensive on the Lafaya in the southern city of Gaza, many local buildings, including the aspects in the picture, have been destroyed under the continuous bombing of the Israeli Army.(Agence France -Presse)

Civilians will be evacuated before the offensive La Fa

However, Neitana said that he will formulate a plan to evacuate civilians from Lafa before expanding its military offensive.

Nei Tanahu said in the interview with CBS: "There is no difference between me and the United States on the issue of evacuation of civilians." He emphasized that Israel would also protect civilians without urging the United States.

Neutana said that the Israeli army instructed the civilians in Lafa to migrate northern Lafa."They also have room to move towards northern Lafayt, and we have ended the battle there."

He revealed that the plan also includes how to dissolve the remaining Hamas camp.

According to a statement issued on Monday (26th) of the Nei Tanahu Office, the Israeli National Defense Force has submitted a action plan to evacuate the civilians of the Gaza Stand Battle Area to the Cabinet Cabinet, including the next stage of military operations.

But the statement does not explain, how Israel will perform the evacuation operation, or where the civilians will be placed.

Shatin: The basic framework of the hostage agreement

The United States, Egypt, and Qatar, which had previously participated in the mediation, said that they were optimistic about reaching a off -war agreement before the start of the Muslims of Muslims next month.

U.S. National Security Consultant Sarawan exposed in an interview with the United States CNN (CNN) revealed that in Paris, the United States, Egypt, Qatar, and Israel's representatives who negotiated in Paris in France reached a consensus on the basic framework of the hostage agreement.

However, Agence France -Presse quoted Hamas sources reports that Hamas has proposed a new proposal for the controversial part of the agreement, but Israel has not put forward a substantial position on the ceasefire and the condition of withdrawal from Gagosa.

King Abdullah II of Jordan warned that if you continue to fight during the Memorial Month of Muslim, it will increase the risk of conflict overflow.

Prime Minister Palestine announced the government's resignation

Seeing that the conflict of Harbin did not move, the Palestinian Prime Minister Ashtier announced that the government he led has submitted his resignation to President Abbas.

Ashtier announced on Monday on the west bank of the West Bank of Jordan that he resigned from Abbas last week and officially submitted a written speech on Monday.

Ashtier said that the government agreed to the Gaza Strip in Israel, as well as the tension of the West Bank and Jerusalem in the Jordan River decided to resign.He said that Palestinian needs new government and political arrangements to deal with the new situation of Gaza.

Ashtier also urged the Palestinians to reach a wide range of political consensus when he announced his resignation and extended the jurisdiction of Palestine's power institutions to the entire Palestinian. "

Hamas spokesman Zuhri, a Hamas spokesman who actually governed the Gaza Strip, said: "Only in the next stage of political arrangements to reach a consensus, the resignation of the Ashtier government is meaningful."

Reuters reports that the Ashtier government must be agreed with Abbas, and Abbas may ask him to continue to serve as the Prime Minister until he appointed the new Prime Minister.

The United States and many countries in the Middle East are trying to promote the ceasefire of Gaza, and the post -war plan they proposed is to handle the Garha and the west bank of the Jordan River to the Palestinian power institutions, but they also pressure Abbas to implement government reform.