(Budapest/Stockholm Comprehensive) Sweden joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to cross the last procedure obstacle. The Hungarian Parliament approved Sweden to become the 32nd member of NATO.

Swedish Prime Minister Christong claims that this is a "historic day" and said that "it has been ready to bear our responsibility in NATO."

The Hungarian Parliament (February 26) was approved by 188 votes in favor of 188 votes and six votes to oppose Sweden.

Hungarian Prime Minister Olban urged parliamentarians to approve Sweden to join NATO in the voting on the same day.Olban said: "The defense cooperation between Sweden and Hungary, and Sweden to join NATO, will strengthen the security of Hungary."

Hungary has delayed 19 months on the issue of approval by Sweden.As Sweden signed a military backup agreement with Hungary last Friday (23), he agreed to sell four "Gripen" fighters to Hungary, and Sweden finally paved the road.

After Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, Sweden and Finland abandoned the long -term military -inconsistent alliance policy. In May of the same year, they applied to join NATO.According to the NATO regulations, the application must be unanimously agreed by all members of NATO.

Finland has been allowed to join NATO in April last year, and the obstacles to Sweden are Turkey and Hungary.After Turkey approved Sweden to join NATO in January this year, Hungary became the last obstacle to Sweden's contract.

Olban is the closest leader in the European Union in Russia in the European Union. He once said that Ukraine's offense against Russia is destined to fail.

The University of Venice, Salai, believes that the Olban government has not approved Sweden to enter the appointment.

One of the reasons for Russian President Pukin to send troops to Ukraine is to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO, but as Finland and Sweden have entered the contract, Putin's invasion can be said to accelerate NATO expansion.This is also the most significant expansion after the NATO territory expanded to Eastern Europe in the 1990s.

In the past few decades, Sweden has strengthened cooperation with NATO, including supporting NATO's actions in countries such as Afghanistan.With Sweden joining, NATO's defense planning and cooperation in Northern Europe will be more simplified.

Sweden has a huge defense industry. Its addition will add a technology advanced army to NATO and improve the supply route to neighboring Finland. At the same time, it will help defend Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

Sweden is raising military expenses. It is estimated that this year can reach the goal set by NATO to member states, that is, 2%of the GDP is used for national defense expenses.