(Washington Composite Electric) After the Palestinian radical organization Hamas controlled Gaza in 2007, it accelerated the construction of tunnel system projects.Israel refers to this huge and complex underground network as "terrorist tunnel".

In 2021, Hamas claims to build a 500 -kilometer tunnel system on the bottom of Gasha City.It is understood that among the 238 hostages of Hamas on October 7, some of them were taken to the depths of the tunnel, resulting in extremely difficult rescue work.

The photos released by the Israeli National Defense Force on Wednesday (November 1) showed that the Israeli National Defense Forces waved into Gaza to carry out ground operations.(Reuters)

What is the Gaza Tunnel?

Military experts often mention "two Gasha" -the visible Gaza, and invisible "underground Gaza" or "Gaza Metro".Hamas built most of the tunnels in a densely populated ground to avoid reconnaissance. At the same time, he also hoped to gain certain advantages in the non -symmetrical war and offset the more advanced military and technical strength of the Israeli military.

The Israeli National Defense Forces said that these tunnels were built in the bottom of schools, mosques, hospitals and other civil buildings as a cover.

John Spencer, a US military expert, said that compared with the hard rock along the Lebanon border, the ground is more loose and easier to dig, making Hamas quickly expand the underground network.The picture shows a tunnel dug from Gaza to Israel.(Reuters)

How does the tunnel build and scale?

National Geographical Magazine reported that Hamas hired a large number of young Palestinian young people to build tunnels and rocked the aid provided by international organizations for tunnel construction.Economists report that Iran and North Korea also provide funds and engineers to help Hamas build tunnels.

Academic Journal Politics in 2018 stated that the shapes and scale of various tunnels in the Gaza Strip are made of various types. It is mostly reinforced with concrete. Some tunnels have power grids, communication cables and transportation tracks.

Professor of Rex University of Israel, a professor at the University of Rickman and an underground war expert, said that although the authenticity is deep and humble, some authenticity also has power supply and even a bathroom.

How does Hamas use the tunnel?

For Hamas, there are three main strategic uses of the tunnel -offense, defense and smuggling.

The tunnel excavated by Hamas can lead to the territory of Israel.In the raid on October 7, some militants sneaked into Israel through these tunnels.

Because the ground transportation network has been tightly controlled by the government for many years, the tunnel has become an important network for Hamas's secret transportation and hiding weapons. It is also the source of the Gaza people to obtain living materials.Full of library.

In January 2018, the army found a tunnel from Gagosa to Israel near Kissufim, which was connected to Gaza.(Reuters)

How to deal with these tunnels in the past?

In June 2004, more than 100 tunnels were blown up in an air strike of the Israeli Army, and in the next few years, a number of bombing tasks were carried out.In 2013 and 2014, the Israeli Army destroyed more than 30 tunnels, of which 14 were to Israel.

Since 2018, the Israeli army has continuously strengthened tunnel war training, and has also begun to cooperate with the United States to develop a series of new robotics technologies to improve the ability to detect tunnels and remote destruction.