Iranian judicial department announceIt was reported that the 22-year-old Kurdish woman was convicted., Will face long -term imprisonment.

Agence France -Presse reported that the Iranian Ministry of Justice's website Mizan Online Sunday (October 22) said that 36 -year -old Elaheh Mohammadi and 31 -year -old Niloufar Hamedi were being namedThe criminals have been sentenced to six and seven years in prison for the crime of cooperating with the US government.

Iran officially said that the two were sentenced to five years in prison for conspiracy to endanger national security and the crime of propaganda of the Anti -Islamic Republic.These sentences will be served at the same time.

On September 27When the protesters participated in the Amii anti -epidemic activity in Argentina, they used red paint to draw the palms and protests representing "touch" on their bodies.(Reuters)

Erah and Nilufal each work as reporters and photographers at their respective newspapers, Hammihan, and Salg.In September 2022, the two were officially detained in Evan Prison in Tehran because they reported that Ami had not worn a headscarf and died during the detention; the Iranian Ministry of Justice began trial in May this year.

It is reported that Nilufar was arrested less than a week later in Amii. At that time, she went to the hospital where Ami was treated and published a show on social media.Feelings.Erah was arrested after going to Amin's hometown of Saqez to report her funeral.

The Iranian Ministry of Justice stated that both of them have the right to appeal, but their lawyers have not responded to the verdict.

The death of Ami has set off a large -scale demonstration wave in Iran, and has not been alleviated for many months.Angry demonstrators burned their headscarves while shouting slogans to respect women, life and freedom.The riots caused by this round of demonstrations also killed hundreds of people.