French MinisterAfter receiving the threat of the bomb, the official has strengthened security measures at the above location and raised the state of warning to the highest level.

Reuters reported that French Minister of Transport Clement Beaune Sunday (October 22) said on the France International that the security patrol of Paris Airport will increase by 40%The staff of the National Railway Corporation (SNCF) will increase by 20%, and the official will also increase patrol police force at the railway station.

A 20-year-old extremist since October 13th in ARRAS (A href = ""Roth = NOFOLLOW TARGET = _Blank> After stabbing a teacher with a knife , France, which has a large number of Jewish and Muslims, has been in a high degree of alert state.

Bona said, "In the history of our country and Europe, transportation (network) has always been a place to attack major casualties."At the same time as the risk increases, there are also those who play with fear to publish false bomb threats in sensitive places.

Bona also said that since last Wednesday (11th), a total of 70 false bomb threats occurred in French airports, and these "prank" were issued from the same Swiss email address.

People who release false alerts at will are generally sentenced by the judges for two years and 30,000 euros (about S $ 43,000).If the alarm contains threat information, the punishment can be raised to three years of imprisonment and a fine of 45,000 euros.

Bona said that prank is not a "little joke, but a serious crime", and the official will investigate it.

A spokesman for Versailles Palace in the suburbs of Paris said that at noon on Sunday, Versailles Palace issued an evacuation alert for safety reasons, which is the seventh time in the past eight days;Essence