The Israeli National Defense Minister Garrant said the Israeli army's upcoming ground offensive may last for several months.

Agence France -Presse reported that Garrant Sunday (October 22) at the Tel Aviv's Israel Air Force Command Center said that if Israel has successfully eliminated the Palestinian radical Hamas, this will be the last ground ground on the Gaza Strip in the Gaza Strip.offensive."This takes one month, two months, and three months. In short, Hamas will not exist in the end."

He said that Israel's fighter jet is good at "precise, quantitative, and fatal launch". "Before Hamas fights with our tanks and infantry, they will encounter our air force shells."

Garrant said: "This should be the last war of the Gaza Strip. The reason is very simple. After that, Hamas will no longer exist."

Israel has repeatedly vowed to eliminate Hamas from the Gaza Strip, and it shows that the Israeli air strike target is commander and infrastructure.

According to data officially released by Israel, since October 7th Since Rotating Military Conflict , Hamas has launched more than 7,400 rockets to Israel, of which the Israeli "Iron Dome" defense system has intercepted more than 1,100.Data released by the Israeli Ministry of Health on the 22nd show that this round of Harbin conflict has led to more than 1,400 Israelis deaths and 5,431 wounded to the hospital.The Palestinian Gaza Strip Health issued a statement on the 22nd that the Israeli attack on the Gaza Strip had killed 4,651 people, including 1873 children, and at least 14,000 injured.