The U.S. Navy began to salvage the hit Chinese balloon and its effective load.Strike Biden's improper handling of the event.

(Washington Composite Electric) The U.S. military is searching for the wreckage of suspected Chinese spy balloons in the shore of South Carolina.It is reported that the US Congress demanded whether the equipment used by the balloon uses the technology of the United States or allies is expected to increase pressure to the Biden government to further implement the export control of sensitive technology in China.

The North American Air Defense Command and the commander of the Northern Command Van Heck Sunday (February 5Shy; Sunday) said that the Navy has begun to salvage the Chinese balloon and its effective load that was shot down the day before.

It is reported that at least two of the school buses and its sensors are sinking 15 meters underwater, and the fragments are scattered in a 11 kilometer -long area outside the shore of Mettel Beach, South Carolina. It is expected that in the futureGod can be salvaged.Balloon wreckage may allow the United States to understand China's monitoring capabilities in depth.

Senate Military Commission: As soon as the balloon goes out, it should not be shot down to the United States

Bloomberg quotes a person who is informed that the United States is expected to find equipment and other sensors that can take fine photos.Another insider revealed that parliamentarians have demanded whether the effective load of balloon contains the technology of the United States or allies.

Republican lawmakers have criticized Biden for improper treatment of the balloon incident, arguing that he showed weakness to China, and tried to conceal the invasion of the lead.The Senate Republican leader McConnel sent a tweet saying: "As long as it is, when it is related to national defense and foreign policy, the reaction of the Bayeng government is always hesitant, and it will be late."

Rubio, vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, accused Bayeng accusing Bayeng's delay in reporting to the people, which was equivalent to "negligible".

Coron, a member of the Senate Military Commission, said that as soon as the balloon enters the United States, it should shot down, instead of letting it cross the entire mainland of the United States.

Senate Democratic Party leader: the safest and most information on the water

The Democratic Party counterattacked, claiming that the Republican Party criticized "premature and political".Senate Democratic leader Shu Mo emphasized that the government made a correct decision."Shooting this balloon on the water is not only the safest, but also an option to get the maximum intelligence income."

Senate's confidential report on the Ministry of Defense on the 15th of this month.

Bloomberg analysis pointed out that this incident has been trying to prevent China from getting advanced chips and related production equipment to face greater pressure.The informed person revealed that the official has started to study further tightening its export control and investment restrictions on China's strategic field.

Analysis of the Dutch International Group (ING) pointed out that the balloon incident may exacerbate the "scientific and technological war" between China and the United States, and a negative impact on the RMB exchange rate in the short term."The two parties may implement more export ban on the technologies of different industries. After the risk of logistics interference caused by the crown disease epidemic dissipates, this is a new threat that may cause the supply chain to interrupt."

Analysis of the New York Times pointed out that it is not surprising that collecting information about each other's information is not new, but this incident highlights that there is still lack of communication between China and the United States.

Rogers, who had served as the director of the National Security Director within his appointment of the Obama and the Trump administration, pointed out that after China knows that the balloon has been discovered, it has not called the United States to seek problems.This shows that the efforts of strengthening communication after the Sino -US hotline set up after the China -US hit incident in Hainan Island in 2001 are now false.

Insteaders revealed that another approach to the US government is to restore the trip of Secretary of State Brills to visit China, but it brings a tough information that is more conveyed than the original visit to this week.