(Galagas / Bogo University Composite Electric) also found that it was suspected of being monitored by China to monitor balloons in Latin America, Venezuela chose to stand on the side of China to condemn the United States to attack the "Chinese civilian aircraft".

The Venezuela Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement on Monday (February 6), accusing the United States of "using force" to deal with devices that did not constitute any military or personal threat to ground personnel.

Earlier, Latin American leaders have been silent about Chinese balloon over their airspace.

Venezuela Maduro government has a tight relations with the United States, and the United States has imposed economic and petroleum sanctions on Venezuela. China is the main buyer of Venezuela oil.

Russia, also Chinese allies, also supports China.Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Riabakov said on Monday that he believed that China was taking responsible actions on the balloon incident.

At the end of last month, the United States led a balloon from China.China calls this as a civilian scientific research balloon, and the United States is called monitoring balloon, and it shot down on Saturday (February 4).

The U.S. military said on Friday (February 3) that Latin America also found a balloon.Colombia confirmed on Saturday that the domestic air defense system detected a suspected balloon object on the 3rd, but it was not mentioned that it was from China or other countries.

Colombia Air Force said that the object was high at a high level of about 16 kilometers and entered Columbia at an average speed of 25 knots.The military has been monitoring the object until it leaves the Colombian airspace, which has not threatened national security.

Recently, some netizens also claimed to see white balloons in Venezuela and Costa Rica.Costa Rican Civil Aviation Administration issued a notice to take off and landing aircraft after receiving a notification of balloons on Thursday (February 2), but did not take further action.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning confirmed on Monday that the second balloon found over the Latin America comes from China, which is a civilian nature and is used for flight tests.Affected by the climate and limited control capabilities, this airship seriously deviated from the scheduled route and mistakenly entered the Latin America and Caribbean.

Mao Ning said that China has notified and properly handled with all parties, which will not pose any threat to any country.