White House spokesman Pierre said President Biden heard a report on the balloon fly over the United States on Tuesday, and the Biden government agreed that it was not suitable to visit China at this time.

(Washington Composite Electric) The balloon incident continued to be burned.American Pentagon spokesman Laudea on Friday (February 3) said that the United States found that another Chinese monitoring balloon is flying over Latin America, but no specific location is disclosed.As for the surveillance balloon in the United States, it has already been diverted.

Ryder said that the balloon in the United States floated east of about 60,000 feet over the central United States, and showed the ability of mobile positions.He is expected to float in the United States for a few days.

Ryder refuses to disclose the exact position of the balloon. It only says that the balloon will not danger to the ground civilians now. If it is shot down to produce a large number of fragments, it will cause danger.

However, the National Meteorological Bureau of Kansas City said on Twitter that a number of notifications received a large number of reports in the northwestern Missouri.

Earlier, the balloon was found over the nuclear facilities of Montana, which aroused great attention from the United States and was worried that military secrets would be monitored.Because the Malmstrom Air Force Base in the state has 150 intercontinental ballistic missile launch wells.

Meteorological website Accuweather estimates that balloons may float from the United States on Saturday evening and fly over the Atlantic Ocean.The Republican member of the Senate Military Commission Langz was interviewed by Fox News that the United States is best confiscated this balloon to understand "it is designed to collect data, or design to test our reaction ability."

The White House spokesman Pierre said that President Biden heard a report from the balloon flying over the United States on Tuesday, and the Bayeng government agreed that it was not suitable to visit China at this time.

She also said that the United States knows that China has issued a statement, "But this balloon appeared in our airspace, which obviously violated our sovereignty and international law. This kind of thing was unacceptable."

U.S. Secretary of State Brillings said at a press conference on Friday that Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the director of the Central Foreign Affairs Working Committee, told the other party that the incident on the eve of his travel was "irresponsible behavior" in China.But Washington still promises to contact China, and he will visit China under the conditional permission.

Wang Yi urged to maintain a regular communication in time

Brinken and Wang Yi communicated with occasional incidents with a calm and professional attitude.Brinken emphasized that the current focus is to deal with this matter, and he will not set a date that may visit Beijing.

China Official Media Xinhua News Agency also issued a press release of Wang Yi and Brinken.Wang Yi emphasized that China is a responsible country and has always strictly observed international law, and "does not accept any unseen speculation and hype."

He called for "unexpected situations", what the two sides should do is to maintain a certain force, communicate in time, avoid misjudgment, and manage differences.

Xinhua News Agency on Saturday released a reporter from a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in response to the news of the balloon incident and the delay of visiting China in response to the balloon incident.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China explained that the airship used for scientific research such as meteorology is a civilian nature, affected by the western band, and its own control ability is limited, which seriously deviates from the scheduled route."This is completely caused by an inexperienced accident, and the facts are very clear."

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs also issued a gentle signal to the Bayeng government, saying that "the United States posted the news about the news is the United States's own, and we respect it";, Properly handle.

Daniel Russel, former US diplomat, believes that Brinkenson has no strategic reason to cancel visit to China and emphasize the importance of maintaining high -level contact with China.He said: "Compared with gas balls, there are more things to deal with the United States and China. After a period of time, the Bayeng team may tend to continue the development relationship."