Zhu Feng, dean of the School of International Relations of Nanjing University, believes that Brinken's delay in visiting China is "the mood of yielding in the United States' political anti -China."He said: "This is also a timely reminder. How can Sino -US relations be effectively controlled if they have been incited by anti -China emotions?"

China's high -altitude reconnaissance balloon provoked Sino -US sensitive nerves. Scholars of interviewees believe that the balloon incident highlights the long -term lack of mutual trust in China and the United States;Add difficulty.

On Saturday (February 4th), local time in the United States fighter jets above the waters near South Carolina, it shot down the Chinese reconnaissance balloon that drifted over the United States for many days.The US Secretary of Defense Austin emphasized that this is a response to China's "unacceptable violations" in the United States; Beijing refers to the "excessive response" in the United States.

Drew Thompson, a senior researcher at the State University of Singapore's National University of Public Policy, said in an interview that Sino -US relations have been troubled by unwritten issues for decades.

He said that Beijing does not believe that the United States is an unexpected explanation about the 1999 Belgrade Fried Museum incident. Washington does not believe that Chinese balloon accidentally enters the United States or balloon is mainly to perform meteorological tasks.

Zhu Feng, dean of the School of International Relations of Nanjing University, mentioned in an interview that both China and the United States regard each other's intelligence reconnaissance as a security challenge."I hope that the two sides can use the balloon incident to talk in a timely manner about the fragile and sensitive issues in Sino -US relations to form effective rules and reduce related attention."

It is not clear whether the balloon incident will continue to be upgraded at present, but this incident has led to US Secretary of State Brillings to postpone the visit of China.

However, Brinkens did not cancel this trip, but chose to delay the visit. Lin Yang, a former Chinese Affairs consultant of the US Department of Defense, and a senior researcher of the Strategic and International Research Center, said: "This indicates that the United States is willing to maintain an open communication channel"

Zhu Feng believes that the reason why Brinken's delay in visiting China is "submitting to the emotion of domestic politics against China."He said: "This is also a timely reminder. How can Sino -US relations be effectively controlled if they have been incited by anti -China emotions?"

The balloon incident has continued to attract great attention from the two parties in the United States.Democratic Party ’s senior party leader Shu Mo praised President Biden’ s leadership in Twitter, and said that “he shot down Chinese balloons at sea to ensure the safety of all Americans.”Shu Mo also said that the United States can now collect equipment on balloons and analyze the technology used in China.

Republicans continued to criticize the Biden government's slow response, thinking that Biden should take action immediately after discovering the balloon, or at least before the balloon drifted to Montana, it shot down.

Chinese netizens also have a bipolar response

Rogers, chairman of the House of Republican House of Republican House of Representatives, said that the Bayeng government was said to know that scouting balloons had occurred on January 28, but it allowed it to fly over the United States.He accused the Biden government of trying to conceal the failure of national security to Congress and the American people, and asked the White House to explain why reconnaissance balloons fly over the United States, and this decision to damage national security.

Rogers said: "The United States must show its strength to deter China -this failure is another example of the weakness of the Biden government."

A polarized response also appeared on the Internet of China.Some netizens sarcked the balloon by using fighters and missiles in the United States, ridiculed the American "high -fire artillery to fight mosquitoes", and some people called on China to take a peer response to "any US flight objects or ships that entered the Chinese airspace in the Chinese airspace.All the sinking. "

However, some netizens believe that if you think about it, the American civilian balloon has entered China to lead the air without being allowed.Faculty. "

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