A , Let the U.S. Secretary of State Brosky's plan to visit China postpone.What is going on?

● What is this balloon?

China and the United States have their own words.U.S. officials said that this is a spy balloon.The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs denied that the balloon was a civilian meteorological scientific airship affected by the western wind belt and deviated from the scheduled route.

● How big is it?

It is about three buss.

● Where does it come from?

According to US information, the balloon entered the United States for the first time on January 28, flew over the northern Aliuzhen Islands in Alaska, and entered northwestern Canada on January 30., February 1 (Wednesday) was discovered in Bilins, Montana, USA.

Billings Gazette photographer Larry Mayer took a mysterious white sphere in the air on Wednesday. Miye didn't know what it was. He only knew it was about 60,000 feet high -altitude hovering.EssenceThe next day (2nd), the balloon shot by Meyer appeared on newspapers around the world, becoming a sensation in the world.

US officials confirmed the existence of balloons on the 2nd.Some unnamed officials revealed that the United States detected balloons as early as January 28.It is also reported that earlier weekly, some people saw the balloon on civil aviation aircraft.

Montana is the place where the US land -based nuclear missile launch well is located.The Pentagon said that the balloon flew over a few "sensitive" areas.

● What is the reaction of the United States?

The balloon incident caused an uproar in the United States. Democratic and Republican politicians both pressed the Bayeng government and asked him to take action and explanation.

Jon Tester, Senator of Montana Democratic Democratic Party, said: "This provocation is completely unacceptable ... We are still waiting for how this happens, and how the government protects the real answer of our country."

The Speaker of the Republican House of Representatives McCarthy voiced: "China blatantly ignores US sovereignty. This is a stable behavior. It must be responded that President Bayeng cannot keep silent."

Former US President Trump also shouted in Twitter: "Shoot the balloon."It is expected that the former US Ambassador to the United Nations, who will be announced to run for the next president, also claimed the fire: "Shoot the balloon, cancel Brinken to visit China, and let China take responsibility.Strong. "

As the balloon incident was burned, US Secretary of State Brillings announced on Friday that it will postpone the visits to China that will be stable on Sunday.

● Is it really a weather balloon?

The ball balls have been found over the past over the United States, but officials of the US Department of Defense said that the activity of this balloon looks different from the past.

However, is this really a spy balloon?Today, with the high degree of development of satellite reconnaissance technology, it still uses balloons to do military detection. It feels very "old soil".

Some American energy security and space experts say that this balloon has the characteristics of weather, communication and scientific balloon.The Washington Post quoted James Lewis, director of the strategic technology project of the US Strategy and International Research Center, said that if the balloon is really a spy balloon, it may be equipped with a camera or a communication equipment that may convey information to other countries.

Lewis said, "If you really want to know what it is, just hit it, you can remove the sensing device, and you can see that there are military intelligence or meteorological information inside."

● What is the end of the balloon now?

The leader of the Pentagon initially suggested that President Biden not shot down the balloon because the fragments caused may hurt the civilians on the ground.

However, on Wednesday (February 1), Bayeng still approved the balloon. When the balloon floated across the central United States to the shore of South Carolina, the United States dispatched a F-22 fighter at 58,000 feet (18000 meters) launched an AIM-9X missile to the balloon at a high altitude.At that time, the balloon was drifting at 60,000 to 605,000 feet above sea level. At 2:39 pm on February 4th local time, the United States was shot down to the sea.According to media reports, before the United States launch a balloon, there was no pre -appraisal China.

● What is China's response to shocking balloons?

China ’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Sunday (February 5) refers to the obvious excessive response in the United States and use force to attack the civilian unmanned airship. China has expressed strong dissatisfaction and protests, and reserves the right to make further reactions.

China reiterated that the United States has been informed many times after verification that the airship is a civilian nature and entered the United States because it is not resistant to entered the United States.China clearly requires that the United States is properly handled by calmness, professionalism, and restraint.